Doctors pointed out that in addition to being delicious, lotus mist also has the benefits of improving constipation, controlling blood sugar, helping weight loss, diuresis and detoxification, and improving intestinal environment.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Now is the production season of lotus mist, and lotus mist is also one of the good choices of fruits after meals for every household.

Doctors pointed out that in addition to being delicious, lotus mist also has the benefits of improving constipation, controlling blood sugar, helping weight loss, diuresis and detoxification, and improving intestinal environment.

Fu Yuxiang, director of Wugu Xiangzhan Clinic, posted on his Facebook fan page "Your Chef Physician Fu Yuxiang Senior Medicine Internal Medicine New Taipei Wugu Chengtai Changzhao Health Preservation and Anti-Aging Chronic Disease Professional" that the season of lotus mist is here, from November to July every year It is the season of rich lotus mist, and you can see delicious lotus mist everywhere, and lotus mist is not only delicious, but also has 5 benefits for the body.

Please read on...

●Improve constipation: Dietary fiber and pectin in lotus mist can help digestion, protect the gastrointestinal tract and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase the water retention of feces and soften feces, and food rich in crude fiber can improve constipation.

●Blood sugar control: The sugar content of lotus mist is relatively low, with 5.8 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Diabetics can replace it in their diet.

However, if it is an improved variety with a higher sweetness, or a single lotus that weighs a lot, you should avoid eating too much.

●Help to lose weight: Lotus mist has only 35 calories per 100 grams, which is low in calories among fruits.

In addition, the dietary fiber and water in it can also make people feel full. If you eat it before meals, you can also reduce the amount of food you eat during meals and achieve the purpose of calorie control.

Diuretic and detoxification: 90% of lotus mist is water, rich water can diuretic, accelerate water metabolism, plus dietary fiber can help soften stool, improve constipation, reduce the residence time of toxins in the body, and reduce the probability of toxins being absorbed.

●Improve intestinal environment: Dietary fiber in lotus mist is a good prebiotic, which is the source of nutrients for bacteria in the intestine, which can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve the intestinal flora.

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