After periodontal treatment has gradually improved.

(provided by the hospital)

[Reporter Cai Zhangsheng/Hsinchu Report] A 33-year-old man has white teeth, normal shape, and no acute pain from tooth decay. He always thinks that his oral cavity is in good condition. Until his work and financial situation are more plentiful, he went to Hsinchu Hospital, a branch of National Taiwan University in Hsinchu, for consultation on tooth arrangement. For orthodontic treatment, the doctor found severe chronic periodontitis, and the gums and bones around some teeth had been obviously lost and destroyed.

Zhuang Yachun, a physician at the Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Branch, Hsinchu, said that the periodontal tissue includes the gums, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and cementum around the teeth. These structures support and connect the teeth. Rich blood vessels supply the teeth with nutrients. The immune system resists stimuli such as bacterial toxins in the mouth, and also carries every bite and external impact.

The cause of periodontal disease is the imbalance between bacteria and the immune system of the host. Poor oral hygiene, excessive periodontal pathogenic bacteria, accumulation of plaque and dental calculus, etc., will cause a series of inflammatory reactions, gradually causing gum swelling, easy bleeding, Symptoms such as bone resorption and tooth shaking.

Other risk factors that affect the immune system, such as diabetes and smoking habits, will also increase the chance of developing periodontal disease, and even make the disease more serious, which will greatly reduce the effect of treatment.

Please read on...

The treatment of periodontal disease is roughly divided into three stages. The first stage includes full-mouth periodontal examination records, systemic disease counseling and control, oral hygiene education, control of dental plaque, full-mouth calculus scaling, root planing and removal Various factors that cause bacterial accumulation (such as replacement of improper dentures) can be assisted by laser or local antibiotic ointment treatment. At present, the dental clinic of the hospital provides water laser and diode laser treatment, hoping to improve the delicacy of periodontal treatment Degree, and reduce gingival trauma, reduce postoperative sensitive discomfort.

One to two months after the completion of the first stage, a re-examination will be carried out to evaluate the response of each tooth to treatment. If it is still serious, it may be necessary to enter periodontal flap surgery for more in-depth cleaning and treatment of bone defects. If the conditions are suitable, the doctor will also arrange periodontal regeneration surgery, that is, to fill in materials such as bone meal, regenerative protein or regenerative membrane.

The third stage is the maintenance period, and enters the periodontal supportive treatment. The patient needs to return to the clinic regularly to check whether the periodontal condition is stable and whether the oral hygiene is maintained well. At the same time, the doctor will also arrange for the patient to have teeth scaling, tooth surface polishing, deep cleaning, etc.; Regular visits are very important. Controlling periodontal disease is like controlling other chronic diseases. It needs long-term maintenance and attention, but many patients often neglect it, which leads to recurrence of periodontal disease.

Physical heredity is also one of the risk factors for periodontal disease. If there is a significant history of periodontal disease in the family, or young patients with periodontal disease, other family members need to pay special attention to their own periodontal conditions and receive regular checkups.

Periodontal disease is mostly chronic accumulation, and there is often no obvious pain symptoms in the early stage. Once the teeth start to shake, or there is obvious swelling and pain, the periodontal disease has been severely damaged, so regular checkups, tooth cleaning and daily oral cleaning Etc. are very important preventive measures.

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  • Periodontitis

  • oral hygiene

  • dental care

  • bleeding gums

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