The nutritionist shared 9 fat-reducing diets, including a high-fat, very low-carb ketogenic diet. Although it can lose weight the fastest in the short term, it is more extreme, so you need to be careful that it may cause inflammation in the body; schematic diagram.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] There are hundreds of ways to lose weight and fat, such as the thin pen that was popular a while ago.

Dietitian Sun Yukuo listed 9 fat-reducing diets on the Facebook page "Nutritionist Love Suinian-Sun Yukuo Nutritionist", including sugar-reducing diet, 211 meal plate, Mediterranean diet, carbon cycle, 168 fasting , vegetarian diet, ketogenic diet, meal replacement, thin pen, among which the unit price of thin pen is relatively high, and you still need to control your diet after stopping use; ketogenic diet is the fastest way to lose weight in the short term, but you must pay attention to the possible harm inflamed.

●Sugar-reducing diet:

Compared with a strict ketogenic diet, a sugar-reducing diet is a relatively loose way to reduce fat. For example, if you are used to eating a bowl of rice, you can gradually change it to half a bowl or even a quarter bowl; Intake protein and fatty foods to achieve satiety and avoid muscle loss.

Because the sugar-reducing diet is more flexible, in addition to a greater chance of success, it can also improve fatigue and control blood sugar.

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●211 plate:

In each meal, one-half should come from vegetables, one-fourth should come from beans, fish, eggs and meat, and one-quarter should come from whole grains and miscellaneous grains. All eat enough vegetables, a moderate amount of protein, and a certain limit of sugar.

Its effects are similar to a sugar-reducing diet, but easier to implement.

●Mediterranean diet:

This method will be full of some olive oil, white meat, grains, a lot of vegetables, and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, and a glass of red wine a day.

In addition to anti-oxidation and beauty, such a diet can also prevent high blood pressure.

Carbon cycle:

Divide the diet into high-carbon days, medium-carbon days, and low-carbon days according to the amount of daily exercise. On days with exercise, ensure that you can consume enough carbohydrates before and after exercise to avoid muscle loss; no exercise On the days that you live, you can continue to maintain low carbon to achieve the effect of fat loss.

●168 fasting:

The principle is to limit the time you can eat in a day to 8 hours, and maintain an empty stomach for the remaining 16 hours.

As long as the fasting time is long enough, the body will start the fat decomposition mode, and the ability to resist stress will also be improved.

Therefore, in addition to fat loss, 168 fasting is also good for breaking the stagnation period. However, because the 16-hour fasting time is very long, some people may even get stomach pains from hunger. Therefore, if you have a bad stomach, have diabetes, are pregnant, or have a tendency to overeat It is recommended to consider carefully before implementation.

●Vegetarian diet:

There are many vegetarians in Taiwan, and the trend is increasing year by year.

Compared with animal-based diets, plant-based diets contain more fiber content and lower fat content. Therefore, studies have also found that long-term vegetarians have relatively lower BMI, blood cholesterol, and lower incidence of colorectal cancer But be careful to choose natural food sources. If you eat processed foods such as vegetarian fish, vegetarian meat, vegetarian hot dogs, vegetarian sausages, and vegetarian dried meat, it may still cause obesity.

Ketogenic diet:

It is a high-fat, extremely low-carb diet. In this state, the body will be forced to break down fat and produce ketone bodies to achieve fat loss. In addition, the ketogenic diet is also the fastest way to lose weight in the short term.

However, because this method is more extreme, it may cause inflammation of the body or abnormalities in the digestive tract and blood fat.

●Meal replacement:

including meal replacement package, high protein powder.

Many milkshakes or low-calorie meals on the market fall into the category of meal replacements, with a package of about 100-150 calories. If they are used to replace meals, such a calorie gap can indeed allow people to achieve weight loss with reduced calories.

But some people can't just eat meal replacements every day, which requires high willpower.

●Slim Pen:

A substance called GLP-1 is injected into the body to achieve the effect of delaying gastric emptying.

This method can increase the feeling of fullness, and it is also less likely to feel hungry, so that you can eat less, and then achieve the effect of weight control.

But in addition to the higher unit price, after stopping using the Slim Pen, you still have to control your diet by yourself, otherwise you may still gain weight.

Sun Yukuo reminded that in fact, the diet method needs to be individualized and adjusted according to local conditions. It is impossible to have a diet method suitable for everyone, so you need to experience and try it yourself, and gradually correct it into your own mode.

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  • blood fat

  • hypertension

  • anti-oxidation

  • satiety

  • Fat loss

  • sugar reduction

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