The nutritionist said that water supplementation is also very important. Sometimes "feeling hungry" may be thirsty, because the human body processes hunger and thirst feelings in the same place in the brain, which is easy to confuse; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] After the annual holiday, many people will have a "pseudo-hungry" situation, and they still feel hungry even though they are full.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that in the long run, you will invisibly eat more unnecessary calories, which will lead to poor metabolism. It is recommended to start with diet and living habits, such as eating less high-GI refined starch, drinking more water, Chewing gum and getting enough sleep, exercising more, finding the cause of stress, eating carefully and not using your phone will help increase satiety and reduce the burden on the stomach.

Gao Minmin posted on her Facebook fan page "Gao Minmin Nutritionist", pointing out that false hunger simply means that you feel hungry even though you are full.

For a long time, you will invisibly eat a lot of unnecessary calories, resulting in weight gain, blood sugar rise, and body metabolism problems.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of false hunger, you can start with diet and adjusting your living habits.

Please read on...

1. Eat less refined starches with high GI:

mainly prototype foods, such as sweet potatoes, corn, taro, etc. Because unrefined foods are rougher, it can slow down the eating speed and increase the feeling of satiety.

2. Eat a balanced meal and be full: eat

regularly and quantitatively, maintain a balanced meal, and focus on prototype foods, which can maintain a sense of satiety, delay hunger, stabilize blood sugar, and meet nutritional needs.

3. Drink enough water on a regular basis:

Supplementing water is also very important. Sometimes "feeling hungry" may be thirsty, because the human body processes hunger and thirst in the same area of ​​the brain, which is easy to confuse. It is recommended that the public drink more water Aids metabolism and keeps the body functioning healthier and more energetic.

4. Chewing gum with greedy mouth:

Chew sugar-free gum to make your mouth chew, and you can also use this to judge whether you are really hungry.

5. Don't stay up late and get enough sleep:

Leptin and ghrelin are secreted during sleep to help control satiety, but staying up late will cause a decrease in leptin levels, and an increase in ghrelin levels will make people want to eat more easily.

6. Be more active and exercise:

If you want to have a good figure and a good body, "7 points of diet, 3 points of exercise" is the best state. Enough exercise can help improve metabolism, lose weight, improve cardiopulmonary function, and burn calories. It can also divert attention.

7. Find the cause of the stress and stabilize the mood:

Too much stress will not only affect the mood, but also the body, so it is very important to stabilize the mood, especially the emotional hunger will cause increased hunger. It is recommended to find out the cause of the stress and improve it. If you can't improve, you can seek help from a physician or psychologist.

8. Eat carefully and don’t slide your phone:

Studies have found that the blue light on the screen can induce hunger, and it can also reduce melatonin and cause sleep disorders. It is recommended not to slide your phone while eating. Only by feeling the taste of food in the mouth with every bite can the message of "satisfaction" be transmitted to the brain, and it can also reduce the burden on the stomach.

Gao Minmin reminded that in addition to dealing with false hunger, don't wait until you are hungry to eat. After all, if you don't eat regularly, you will eat more and more and may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Timely and quantitative intake, maintaining balanced meals and not being full are better eating habits. I hope everyone can slowly implement good eating habits into their lives.

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  • sports

  • chew

  • satiety

  • enough rest

  • hungry

  • Stabilize emotions

  • false hunger

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