The doctor said that avoiding the stimulation of food during fasting, finding a coffee shop at noon to drink coffee, walking alone, or keeping busy are all good ways to reduce hunger; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Hunger is undoubtedly a major obstacle in fasting. The reason why many people fast is that they will be hungry. Dr. Li Sixian of Linhao Western Medicine Clinic said that hunger is not only a physiological problem, but also a Psychological problems, adjusting one's own psychology, avoiding food stimulation during fasting, finding a coffee shop at noon to drink coffee, walking alone, or keeping busy are all good ways to reduce hunger.

Li Sixian posted on the Facebook page "Dr. Sisi, a good friend who will accompany you to be healthy" and pointed out that many studies have proved that people who undergo intermittent fasting have reduced hunger, not increased hunger, so hunger is the same as distance. Meal time is not absolutely related. For example, there is no obvious hunger when you wake up, but it is only 3-4 hours after lunch and breakfast, but you will feel very hungry at noon.

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Li Sixian said that it turns out that hunger is not only related to the contents of the stomach, but also more related to environmental stimuli and metabolic flexibility.

Walking into the breakfast restaurant in the morning and smelling the sizzling hamburger meat on the iron plate, and seeing the colleagues next door opening the delicious chicken leg bento at noon are all the reasons for being attacked by hunger.

Frequent eating and uninterrupted eating of processed foods lead to insulin resistance, which leads to the inability to use the body's second energy ketone body, which reduces the flexibility of metabolism and is prone to hunger.

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  • hunger

  • Busy and fulfilling

  • sense of hunger

  • Hungry

  • Fasting

  • insulin resistance

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