The nutritionist reminded that not only should you take care of your heart on the working day after the year, but also take good care of your stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, and one nut a day, which can help digestion, improve metabolism, avoid bloating, and be more effective in reducing fat.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] During the New Year holidays, family reunions will inevitably lead to excessive intake of high oil, high salt, and high sugar. In addition to being prone to obesity, many people will also suffer from problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, edema, and elevated blood pressure.

Nutritionist Liao Xinyi reminds that on the first day of work after the year, you should not only take care of your heart, but also take good care of your stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to only eat 70% of your meals, eat more vegetables and fruits, one nut a day, adequate water and regular exercise, which will help digestion and improve your health. Metabolism, but also to avoid bloating, fat loss is more effective.

Liao Xinyi posted on her Facebook fan page "Xinyi's Nutrition Chat Room", pointing out that during the Chinese New Year, spending more time with relatives and friends, abnormal life schedule or overeating, in addition to getting fat easily, eating too much may also cause stomach discomfort. Many people will also experience symptoms such as gastroesophageal reflux, and even eat too much food, causing edema and elevated blood pressure.

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Liao Xinyi said that the physical discomfort that occurs during the Chinese New Year is usually caused by food that is too greasy, too salty, or too sweet. Therefore, not only should you take care of your heart, but also take good care of your stomach and intestines on the new year's work day, so as to quickly restore health. Please follow the steps below Steps to implement the gastrointestinal health plan, and by the way, lose weight and maintain health:

7-point full meal:

Overeating is the main cause of obesity, and eating too full can easily cause bloating or stomach pain. Therefore, the first step in the stomach and intestines after the Chinese New Year is to eat only 7-point full meals. Drink 1 glass of water before meals to occupy part of the stomach capacity, which can reduce food intake, and eat slowly and slowly to increase the feeling of fullness. When you are 70% full, you should stop picking up vegetables. If you have not yet For a feeling of fullness, you can drink a little soup or water, and the feeling of fullness will soon rise.

●Lots of vegetables and fruits:

Vegetables are low in calories and can effectively help control body posture, and their fiber can help gastrointestinal motility and increase satiety, so remember to eat 2 bowls of vegetables with each meal.

Eat 1 serving of fruit after a meal to absorb fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals to help the body metabolize well. The enzymes in the fruit can help digestion and prevent stomach bloating.

●One nut a day:

You can choose nuts for snacks, which are nutritious and low-burden, and nuts are rich in potassium ions to help eliminate water, and good fats can help gastrointestinal motility and smooth bowel movements. One palm of nuts a day is enough (approximately 5-10 nuts), it is healthier to choose nuts with no added flavor.

Sufficient water:

Sufficient water can help the digestive system to run smoothly. Each person should consume 30-35 times their body weight in water per day. For example, an adult with a weight of 60 kg needs to drink 1800c.c.-2100c.c. per day. After exercise In the case of water loss, you need to add 300-500c.c. of water per day.

●Regular exercise:

Exercise can stimulate intestinal peristalsis to help exhaust or defecate smoothly, and eat too many calories during the Chinese New Year, and after the New Year, you must rely on exercise to consume calories and convert energy into muscles. It is recommended for people with stomach discomfort You can choose aerobic exercise first, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming and so on.

If you want to lose fat, you can combine it with weight training, such as fitness, squats, etc., to increase muscle mass and improve metabolism, and help reduce fat more effectively.

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  • fruits and vegetables

  • healthy diet

  • Add water

  • Bloating

  • stomach upset

  • gut health

  • Bowel motility

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