The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that for patients with high blood pressure, neuralgia, stroke, and cardiovascular disease, the handstand machine will increase the health risk of blood reflux; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The back pain caused by the New Year's Day cleaning has not yet recovered, and I accidentally acted as a happy couch potato during the holiday. I was shocked and wanted to remedy it quickly. Can I use the handstand machine to improve the spine pain? ?

The Food and Drug Administration stated on Facebook "Food Player-Food and Drug Administration" that the handstand machine has neither medical efficacy nor stress relief. What's more frightening is that for patients with high blood pressure, neuralgia, stroke, and cardiovascular disease, it can Increased health risk of reflux of blood.

The Food and Drug Administration pointed out on Food and Drug that if you want to achieve a soothing effect, you should consult a doctor or a physical therapist. It can be achieved through muscle strength training. Some handstand products even claim to improve blood circulation in the brain, but the brain is actually damaged. With 20% blood, the ratio is very high, and there is no need to strengthen it at all.

For patients with high blood pressure, neuralgia, stroke, and cardiovascular disease, blood reflux will increase the risk; for middle-aged and elderly people with degraded physical functions or osteoporosis, using handstand machines will have a great impact on the cervical spine. pressure.

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Diagnosis of the cause of soreness Symptomatic treatment

Jian Wenren, a physiotherapist at Cathay Hospital, said that if people have backaches and stiff necks, they don’t need to see a doctor right away. The first step should be to observe for two or three days. Discomfort, the second step is to receive a diagnosis to see if there is a "structural abnormality".

Jian Wenren explained that the so-called structural abnormality is to use X-rays, nuclear resonance and other equipment to see if there are compression fractures, bone spurs, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis and other conditions. If there are problems, further treatment is required.

If the symptoms are not obvious, you should start from the third step "daily life".

Jian Wenren pointed out that there are 5 daily factors that cause back pain: incorrect posture, improper force, possible excessive force or sports injury, insufficient muscle strength, that is, sarcopenia, prolonged stagnation, and endless labor. Occupational injuries caused by actions.

Therefore, people should avoid it for possible reasons in daily life.

Stretching and strength training is king

Jian Wenren emphasized that the best way to avoid back pain is stretching and muscle strength training. Stretching can stretch soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, nerves, and skin.

In addition, those with sore shoulders should strengthen their upper limbs; those with back pain should strengthen their core muscles; those who are prone to leg soreness and knee pain should strengthen their lower limbs.

Health care starts from daily life. When walking or working on weekdays, you should keep your head up, your chest up, and your abdomen small. If the muscles of scoliosis are weak on one side and strong on the other, you should strengthen the weak side and stretch the strong side. You can also consult a professional doctor Consultation, custom-made suitable muscle strength training.

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  • sports

  • backache

  • back pain

  • blood reflux

  • handstand machine

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