Accompanying children to do homework or review homework will help them adapt to the start of school.

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Text/Chen Changsheng

After the continuous long holidays, the outpatient clinic often hears similar stories from children: after a long holiday, they often stay up late to use 3C products, and the jet lag cannot be adjusted after school starts; , and even feel disgusted and powerless towards oneself.

These children are emotionally difficult to face the start of school, but they can't find a way to relieve the pressure. They are afraid that their parents will not understand, and they are mentally bored. Before they really go to school, the internal pressure will transform into many physical symptoms: abdominal pain, headache, general fatigue and want to sleep. , chest tightness and breathlessness.

I started to take sick leave, but I took too many sick leaves, and as time passed, I became more and more afraid of going to school, and it seemed that I would never go back to school again...

Please read on...

More children fear learning in outpatient clinics

In the past 3 years, the living habits brought about by the epidemic have changed (the age of children using 3C has decreased, and the time of use until midnight affects sleep); under the epidemic, the economic pressure of adults, unstable life, and disputes between adults have made children feel insecure; What's more, after being infected with the epidemic, the immune response disorder affects the brain, causing children who were not anxious to show more anxiety.

Many factors, overseas research and our clinical observations, have increased the number of children who come to the clinic with anxiety and fear of learning.

Fear of learning, also known as school refusal, refers to children who have extreme difficulty in going to school and often find it difficult to attend school due to emotional distress.

Preventing school refusal is very important at the beginning of school, and parents and children can do it together:

●Healthy diet:

Too much high-fat fish and meat and snacks may affect the emotional coordination and stability of the brain.

After the Lunar New Year indulgence, let the diet on the plate return to balance to ensure physical and mental health.

●Adjust work and rest, go out to receive sunshine:

If you stay up late for many days during the holidays, you need to adjust the time difference.

Set an alarm and wake up at a regular time.

If you are listless after waking up, you can go out with your parents and children after breakfast to receive sunshine, and walk around the campus together to prepare for the ritual sense of "back to school".

●Caring about how children feel about the start of school:

How is the work going?

Getting along with classmates at school is going well, have you been excluded?

Are exams overwhelming?

Is there a teacher who is difficult to face?

Parents can use open-ended questions, "School is about to start, how are you preparing?" Patiently listen to the child's response, and when the child expresses his predicament, avoid denying the child's trouble with "What is this?" Instead, say "Let's come together Find a way" and be a good teammate for children to face challenges.

Once prolonged school refusal occurs, solutions require the cooperation of parents, teachers, and medical professionals.

The physical and mental department can deal with children's depression and anxiety disorders, and the school can adopt strategies such as gradual return to school to make children accept the school.

Parents need to deal with their own excessive negative emotions. Only with a stable family environment can their children go out of the house smoothly!

(The author is a physician in the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Tai Adventist Hospital)

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  • Emotional instability

  • health care

  • refusal to study

  • emotional anxiety

  • Fear of learning

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