The Moon is in Aries until 01:44 on January 28

People are possessed by a spirit of vigor, enthusiasm, actions are based more on impulse than on reason.

This period is defined for a person as a time of purposefulness and optimism.

To strengthen self-control, sense of humor and self-irony.

The resulting energy greatly exacerbates emotions.

Our feelings during this period are easily hurt.

On the days when the Moon is in the sign of Aries, irritability, short temper and even aggressiveness increase.

This time is characterized by emotional tension, impulsiveness, impatience.

We become sharper and more confrontational.

Therefore, try to control emotions and do not start to clarify the relationship.

Compromises are hard to come by.

The head and brain are vulnerable.

Headaches often occur, strokes become more frequent.

No tension is recommended.

Avoid eye strain and minimize computer work, reading and watching TV.

Lunar calendar: 6 lunar day lasts until 10:58 on January 27

Next is the 7th lunar day from 10:58am on January 27th to 11:20am on January 28th

On this lunar day, one should not talk much.

The less the better.

It is good to say prayers.

All nature, all the world, is now very responsive to every word spoken, even casually spoken.

Be careful: everything said can be done.

What you wish for someone or yourself - everything will come true.

It is especially dangerous to lie on this day.

It's good to give good wishes.

This day is for affairs that can be quickly completed.

If something is going to be delayed, better not start.

The day brings success when justice is observed.

However, crime is on the rise.

Provocative day.

Perhaps you will be provoked to listen to gossip, say some obscene words.

You shouldn't swear.

The practice of silence is very useful during this period because it will give your nervous system a wonderful rest.

The energy on this day affects a person through the Vishudha (throat) chakra and the planet Mercury.

Limit smoking.

The throat and lungs are vulnerable.

Dental treatment is also contraindicated.

Teeth should not be extracted.

Breathing exercises are recommended.

Limit talking.

Verbosity, profanity and swearing now lead to throat disease, cough, hoarse voice, problems with teeth, mouth.

Remember that this day you are setting a program for the events of the future.

Therefore, read and speak verbal formulas for success and luck, nourish yourself with the useful energies of well-being, create programs of happiness and prosperity for yourself, loved ones, for your family.

Diet - Chicken and eggs should not be eaten.

Drinking juices is recommended.

Sex on this day should be gentle.

You need to say only kind and gentle words.

Remember that on this day the power of the word is especially great.

Express your love, praise, admire your partner.

Hair cut on this day catches the waves of the energy-informational field in a wider range.

It enhances intuition, leads to unexpected insights.

Practices of the day

- It is useful to read prayers, mantras, to do meditation, relaxation, for self-suggestion, to communicate with nature, to clean the energy field, to do rituals to attract luck.