Fiber For Weight Loss: Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber.

special things

  • Fiber gives relief from the problem of constipation.

  • Fiber is very beneficial for digestion and gut health.

  • Fiber intake is very important for weight loss.

Foods For Weight Loss: An important component that is often overlooked is fiber.

Fiber is just another word for carbs that your intestines can't break down.

Depending on whether it dissolves in water or not, it is known as either soluble or insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fibers mainly act as bulking agents, providing bulk to your stools.

On the other hand, some types of soluble fiber have a great impact on your weight, health and metabolism.

Fiber has an important role in weight loss.

Let us understand what is meant by this type of fiber.

What are the types of fiber?

(What are the types of fiber?)

Insoluble fiber mainly acts as a bulking agent by adding weight to the stool and helps in moving it through the bowel.

This can give relief in constipation.

Beta-glucan and glucomannan are soluble fibers that combine with water to form a viscous, gel-like material that slows the rate at which the stomach releases digested food into the intestine.

These powerful winter fruits and vegetables effectively control the sugar level in diabetes

By eating more soluble fiber, you can avoid increasing belly fat and reduce fat.

Many other studies have shown that people who consume more soluble fiber have a lower risk of fat.

Now that we have understood how these fibers differ, let us find out how they can help you lose weight.

Fiber For Weight Loss: Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of fiber.

Photo Credit: iStock

How is fiber helpful in reducing weight?


How Is Fiber Helpful In Reducing Weight?

Fiber is not the only solution to weight loss.

However, contrary to popular beliefs, it does not hinder or adversely affect our weight loss.

It can help in your weight loss if consumed properly with a balanced diet.

There are several ways in which soluble fiber can aid in burning fat.

Whether to stay healthy or live a long life, the whole math of fitness rests on these 4 rules

1) Gut bacteria improve gut health

Gut bacteria, unlike other bacteria, are benign.

Bacteria help with tasks such as making vitamins and processing waste.

Several studies also show that people who consume more soluble fiber have a wider diversity of bacteria and better health outcomes.

Although it is not clear why this is so.

Apart from this, a recent study has found that healthy gut reduces fat in the stomach.

2) Decreases appetite

If you are eating something to lose weight then you should have low calorie foods.

This means that the number of calories (energy) absorbed in your body should be spent more.

Anything that curbs your appetite can reduce your calorie intake.

If your appetite decreases with low calorie things, then your weight can be reduced automatically.

Fiber can reduce appetite.

3) Helps in maintaining weight

If you eat high fiber foods instead of low fiber foods, you will probably eat less and feel full for longer because they are usually more satisfying.

In addition, high-fiber foods take longer to consume and are less "energy intensive," meaning they contain fewer calories per unit of food intake.

It is not only because of the cold that one does not get much sleep in winter, it also happens due to the deficiency of this one vitamin.

4) Improves blood sugar level

Having diabetes or insulin sensitivity not only slows down weight loss but can also make it easy for you to put on unnecessary weight.

Fiber, especially soluble fiber, can help control blood sugar levels in diabetics by slowing down the absorption of sugar.

Eating insoluble fiber can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Fiber For Weight Loss: Foods rich in fiber can help in managing diabetes effectively.

Photo Credit: iStock

5) Lowers bad cholesterol

Low-density lipoprotein, or "bad," cholesterol levels may be reduced by the soluble fiber contained in beans, oats, flaxseed, and oat bran, which may help lower total blood cholesterol levels.

According to studies, high fiber foods can help your heart by reducing blood pressure and inflammation.

It helps in reducing your chances of gaining weight and improves overall health.

Now know how fiber can be beneficial for the body.

Include it in plenty in your diet.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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