
Valentyna Wittrock

tells about what should be paid special attention to on this day


The transiting Moon

passes through the sign of


, entering into a "relationship" first with


, and then with



As a rule, at such a time, people become more active, active and adventurous.

As a result, things - both professional and personal - begin to move much faster than before, but there is a negative in what is happening: due to haste, it is easier to make mistakes - including those of a financial nature, due to which it will be necessary in the best case to start all over again, and in the worst case - to suffer serious losses.

Instead of deliberate and measured actions, many of us begin to act under the influence of impulse and spontaneously, based not on planning, but on improvisation and impromptu.

We become short-tempered, nervous, whimsical, restless and irritable - it is desirable to keep any, especially negative, emotions under control.

Fortunately, in this case, the presence of



Chiron in the sign of


will correct the irrational behavior of people, warning them against reckless actions.

And excessively inflated vanity, which will also distinguish many of us at this time, will not be harmful for business people, but useful, so there is no need to be afraid of it.

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