While feasting on fish and meat during the Chinese New Year, don’t forget to take in enough dietary fiber.

(Photo by reporter Wu Liangyi)

[Reporter Wu Liangyi/Taipei Report] During the Lunar New Year holiday, there will be plenty of food, snacks and drinks. The nutritionist reminds that people should also pay attention to supplementing dietary fiber during the New Year festival. The benefits include: improving bowel movements, avoiding high blood sugar after meals, Increase the richness and diversity of gut microbiota and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Wu Jingyi, a nutritionist at Chang Gung Nutritional Therapy Department in Kaohsiung, pointed out that the source of dietary fiber can be divided into three categories. The first is natural and edible plants, such as fruits, seeds, grains, grains, vegetables, etc., while brown rice, brown barley, buckwheat, etc. Unrefined grains contain more dietary fiber than refined grains.

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The second is obtained from food materials artificially and has physiological benefits, such as inulin extracted from chicory roots (also known as chicory fiber), psyllium seed powder made from psyllium seeds, etc.

The third is synthetic carbohydrates, polymers with proven physiological benefits such as methylcellulose, also known as synthetic fibers.

Wu Jingyi said that according to whether dietary fiber can dissolve in water, it can be divided into water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber.

Water-soluble fiber is highly hydrophilic. Foods rich in water-soluble fiber mostly have a slippery taste and taste sticky, soft, and thick, such as papaya, banana, fungus, and oats.

Studies have found that this fiber can effectively reduce serum cholesterol concentration and is beneficial to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Chicory fiber is a low-viscosity soluble fiber, which can be used as a prebiotic and food for intestinal probiotics, which can significantly increase the diversity of human intestinal microbiota.

The amount of natural dietary fiber in fruit is sufficient.

(Photo by reporter Wu Liangyi)

Wu Jingyi said that non-water-soluble fibers are insoluble in water and not viscous, such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

Foods with a lot of insoluble fiber have a rougher taste, and are mostly grains and vegetables, such as fruit peels and seed coats, or whole grain bran, which contain more insoluble fiber.

Wu Jingyi said that studies have found that water-soluble fermentable fiber does not significantly increase defecation volume and does not affect stool volume, so it does not provide laxative benefits.

High-viscosity water-soluble fiber can provide high water retention of feces and increase the water content and softness of feces, but it is less effective in increasing the volume of feces.

Insoluble fibers such as oat bran and wheat bran will reduce the water content of the stool and make the stool harder.

Wu Jingyi said that although ingesting only insoluble fiber can increase the stool volume, it will reduce the water content of the stool, making the stool dry and hard, and it will be laborious and uncomfortable to defecate.

If you only ingest water-soluble fiber, although it can increase the water content of the stool, it cannot increase the volume of the stool, so it is difficult to stimulate the intestinal tract to have a bowel movement, and it is not easy to defecate regularly.

Wu Jingyi pointed out that water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber almost coexist in natural prototype foods. Taking an apple with an average weight of about 150 grams as an example, eating an apple with skin can roughly absorb 3 grams of dietary fiber, of which Insoluble fiber accounts for 2.7 grams, and water-soluble fiber accounts for 0.3 grams. If you want to eat more fiber, it is recommended to eat it with the skin.

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  • constipate

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • high blood sugar

  • Dietary fiber

  • carbohydrate

  • Probiotics

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