[Reporter Zhong Zhijun/Comprehensive Report] A shooting occurred on New Year’s Eve in Monterey Park, California, USA. Two Taiwanese expatriates were unfortunately killed. Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh was shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Actress. Forgot to mention the shooting incident, saying that "what we all need is hope", and felt sad for the regret that happened in the case.

Michelle Yeoh was nominated for an Oscar for her superb acting skills in "The Multiverse of Damn".

(Provided by Double Happiness)

Regarding the Oscar nomination, Michelle Yeoh was both happy and a little sad. "Actually, before me, there were many outstanding Asian actresses who deserved to be seen, but I just stood on their shoulders." She expressed the hope that the ceiling could be completely broken, "I will Let more people see our faces."

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Looking back on her debut, Michelle Yeoh has always been passionate about film performances, "I don't act for awards, because I just want to put the best and best performances in movies." She changed the subject, and said humorously: "Of course , please give me the Oscar, if you believe in yourself, you will never give up."

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