To prevent urinary tract infection caused by holding back urine in traffic jams, the doctor advises to control the amount of drinking water two hours before going out; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from the freepik website)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] When traveling back home during the Spring Festival, I am most afraid of being stuck in traffic and unable to move, but it is even more miserable when I feel like urinating. The doctor reminds that there are 5 ways to prevent holding back urine, including: before departure Control the amount of water you drink within 2 hours, do not drink diuretic drinks containing caffeine, get out of the car to urinate as soon as you see a rest stop, prepare empty bottles and cans in the car, and other emergency precautions. take medicine.

Cai Shuwei, an attending physician at the Department of Urology at Cathay General Hospital, pointed out that many people plan to return home or travel during the Spring Festival holiday, often due to long-distance traffic jams, insufficient toilets at rest stops or tourist destinations, and some people even do not want to go to the toilet outside. You can choose to hold back your urine, but this behavior of holding back your urine will cause damage to the bladder and other urinary systems.

Please read on...

As the name suggests, holding back urine is to force the urine to be stored in the bladder when there is a urge to urinate. When the bladder keeps expanding, the bladder muscle will stretch like a rubber band repeatedly. After a long time, it will lose its elasticity and cause fatigue, which will lead to bladder weakness in the future. In addition, if the urine stays in the bladder for too long, it will also cause problems such as bladder inflammation and urethral inflammation.

Patients with hypertrophy of the prostate gland may not be able to urinate if they hold back their urine and need catheterization

It is worth noting that patients with hypertrophy of the prostate will lose feeling when the bladder is swollen for a long time, or the sphincter cannot be relaxed, resulting in the inability to urinate in the toilet.

At this time, it is often necessary to go to the hospital for catheterization or catheterization; young women or the elderly will be prone to infection due to prolonged urine retention.

In addition to bacterial infection, repeated holding back of urine for a long time may also cause urinary tract stones, reflux caused by retention of urine, and eventually lead to deterioration of kidney function, which is not worth the candle.

5 strokes to prevent holding back urine

1. Control the amount of water you drink 2 hours before departure, and avoid drinking too much water before and during driving on the expressway.

2. Do not drink some diuretic drinks, such as coffee, tea, cola, these caffeinated drinks will make you urinate faster.

3. When you see a gas station or a rest stop, get out of the car and urinate quickly, so as not to hold your urine and cause your body to go wrong.

4. Prepare such things as empty bottles, plastic bags, urine collectors, adult diapers or male urine covers in the car, etc., which can be used in emergencies.

5. Those who take prostate medicine for a long time remember to take the medicine on time.

Doctors suggest that you should prepare such things as empty bottles, plastic bags, urine collectors, adult diapers or male diapers in the car, which can be used in emergencies; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from the freepik website)

5 Tips for Preventing UTIs

1. Develop good urination and drinking habits. Before traveling, you can plan and find out whether nearby attractions, rest stops and gas stations provide toilets.

2. You should drink plenty of water and eat more pumpkin seeds and cranberries. Eating pumpkin seeds rich in trace elements zinc and selenium can protect the prostate and slow down the course of prostate hypertrophy; while cranberries rich in anthocyanins Raspberries can also improve lower urinary tract obstruction, reduce urinary tract infections, and prevent urinary tract inflammation or infection.

3. Prepare such things as empty bottles, plastic bags, urine collectors, adult diapers or male diapers in the car, which can be used in emergencies.

4. After going to the toilet, women should flush or wipe with toilet paper from front to back (from the vagina to the anus) to avoid bringing bacteria from the vagina and anus to the urethral opening in the opposite direction.

5. After arriving at the destination, you can drink plenty of water and go to the toilet several times.

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  • hold back urine

  • urinary tract infection

  • Spring Festival Zone

  • urinary tract stones

  • Catheterization

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