The nutritionist said that long-term incorrect posture will increase the pressure on the waist, cause lumbar tissue ischemia, and damage the surrounding muscles, resulting in back pain; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] During the Spring Festival, in addition to having a lot of meals, many people will sit at home for a long time to watch dramas, mobile games, and play mahjong. However, nutritionist Wu Xinling reminds that sitting for too long will not only lead to fat accumulation In the lower abdomen, there may also be stiff shoulders and neck, indigestion, poor sleep quality, poor blood circulation, and muscle soreness in the legs.

Nutritionist Wu Xinling posted an article on the Facebook fan page "Wu Xinling Nutritionist" to sort out the 6 effects of long-term sitting during the Spring Festival, reminding whether it is work or playing mahjong during the New Year, do not "sit" to damage your body, so it is recommended not to sit more than 3 hours, and set the alarm clock to get up and move; the feet can be at 90 degrees to the floor, if not, you can put a small bench; use cushions to avoid hunchback.

Please read on...

1. Back pain, shoulder and neck stiffness:

Long-term incorrect posture increases the pressure on the waist, causes lumbar tissue ischemia, and damages the surrounding muscles, resulting in back pain.

And playing computer or mahjong for a long time, if the height of the desk and chair is not appropriate, it will also lead to a long-term shrugging state, causing shoulder and neck stiffness.

2. Dyspepsia causes flatulence:

After eating fish and meat, high-oil protein food stays in the stomach for a long time, and intestinal peristalsis slows down, causing flatulence and indigestion.

Coupled with family reunions, it is inevitable to eat and chat, and talk while eating, resulting in eating too fast and eating the air together, delaying intestinal digestion.



When the body is less active for a long time, it will be in a state of rest, making it difficult to fall asleep at night.


Poor blood circulation:

If you sit for a long time and stand for a long time, it is easy to have poor blood circulation in the body, which will cause edema.

Due to long-term swelling of the legs, blood accumulates and damages the venous valves, resulting in increased venous pressure, causing varicose veins.

In addition, long-term sedentary will also lead to excessive pressure in the anus, which can easily affect the venous return of the anal sphincter, which is hindered and abnormally expanded, which in turn induces hemorrhoids.


Leg soreness:

Reduced leg activity and maintaining the same posture for a long time will reduce the amount of oxygen carried in the body and cause muscle soreness.

6. Fat accumulates in the lower abdomen.

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  • Fat

  • blood circulation

  • sleep quality

  • neck stiffness

  • indigestion

  • Sedentary

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