Staying up late to play cards during the Spring Festival, or increasing opportunities to travel may cause dizziness or motion sickness.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan/Kaohsiung Report] This year’s Spring Festival holiday lasts for 10 days. It’s inevitable that relatives and friends get together for a small amount of gambling, and even stay up late to play cards. However, the otolaryngologist reminds that staying up late, excitement, and lack of sleep during the New Year’s Eve can easily cause immune system confusion , If it causes inflammation of the inner ear balance nervous system, vertigo is prone to occur.

Zhang Ningjia, the attending physician of ENT Department of High Medicine, pointed out that the temperature difference in this season is large. If staying up late, lack of sleep, and emotional excitement will increase immune problems, it is easy to be accompanied by sudden deafness or acute labyrinthitis (also known as otitis inner). There will be dizziness and hearing problems. If the vertigo is combined with hearing problems, it is recommended to go to the emergency department for examination during the Chinese New Year.

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There are many reasons for vertigo. Zhang Ningjia said that if it occurs for the first time and is relieved within a few hours, don’t worry too much. It may be caused by lack of sleep or fatigue, but if it occurs for the first time and lasts for many days, especially the first time The most severe cases in the 2nd or 3rd day are more like inflammation of the balance nerve, and you will be dizzy to the point of being unbearable, no matter what posture you are in, and even more dizzy when you move.

Zhang Ningjia said that the human body's ear balance system has one left and one right, which are mainly responsible for dynamic balance. When the body shakes, one is stimulated and the other is inhibited, and the signals should be the same. However, once the balance is broken, the brain will not know. Which side you listen to will cause dizziness, so you need to see a doctor to find out which side is the problem.

Zhang Ningjia said that in addition to inflammation of the balance system, the common vertigo is otolith shedding syndrome. When the head swings, when the posture changes from lying down to sitting up, repeated movements will occur within about 1 minute, usually allowing the otoliths to reset Symptoms will be relieved.

The other is Meniere's disease, which is commonly known as ear water imbalance. Meniere's disease has special symptoms, which can be combined with migraine, tinnitus, and vertigo. When the attack occurs, the hearing will deteriorate and the attack will occur repeatedly.

Patients with three highs should pay special attention, especially the elderly with three highs, because the symptoms of cerebellar stroke and inflammation of the balance nerve are similar. Large changes can easily lead to dizziness. At this time, it is necessary to seek medical attention to confirm whether it is a cerebellar stroke or an inflammation of the balance nerve.

Zhang Ning’s family specially reminded that those with Meniere’s disease must limit salt and coffee. If you feel uncomfortable after eating big fish and meat during the Chinese New Year, find a way to eat lightly and try to rest as much as possible. Try taking antiemetic drugs first to see if the symptoms are relieved. As for acute dizziness caused by excessive excitement or inflammation of the balance system, steroids are still the most effective drugs, but steroids are usually not prepared at home, or sports drinks can be added to let the ions Maintain a balance, the key point is still to eat light, less caffeine, pickled and fermented dairy foods, more than 10% of vertigo patients are caused by migraine, and these foods contain a high proportion of tyrosine, which can easily cause migraine attacks .

In addition, motion sickness often occurs during Chinese New Year outings and traffic jams. Zhang Ningjia suggested that before taking a car, take antihistamine motion sickness medicine to mainly inhibit the activity of the balance system, so that the body will not be so obviously stimulated by shaking and reduce the chance of motion sickness. But the disadvantage is that you will feel sleepy after eating.

If you feel sick while driving, it is recommended to close your eyes or stare at a distant target to reduce the vestibular eye movement reflex caused by stimulation of the balance system. Breathing fresh air can also help reduce stuffiness.

People who are prone to motion sickness, remember not to eat too much before taking a ride, and eat less greasy food and starchy foods that are easy to cause abdominal distension. It won't be so obvious.

Zhang Ningjia, the attending physician of Otolaryngology Department of High Medicine, reminds those with Meniere's disease that they must limit salt and coffee. If you feel uncomfortable after eating big fish and meat, try to find a way to eat lightly and rest as much as possible to avoid vertigo. attack.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

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  • three high

  • dizziness

  • immune system

  • sudden deafness

  • Meniere's disease

  • Spring Festival Zone

  • loss of otoliths

  • otitis inner

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