During the Chinese New Year, I am most afraid of gastrointestinal discomfort to spoil the situation; the picture is a photo of the situation, and the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article.

(The picture is taken from the photoAC website)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] During the Chinese New Year, there will inevitably be a table full of sumptuous dishes, and some people will drink some wine to celebrate the festive season, but high-fat and high-protein meat and alcohol can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Doctors specifically analyze the 5 common problems during the Spring Festival Gastrointestinal diseases, and teach 5 tips on diet, teach you to eat with peace of mind, and avoid gastrointestinal discomfort to spoil the situation.

Xie Ruiying, the attending physician of Gastroenterology Department of Jialing Health, pointed out that the common gastrointestinal diseases during the festival include: gastroesophageal reflux, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, acute gastroenteritis (including gastric ulcer), acute pancreatitis and acute cholecystitis.

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He suggested that to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, you should "eat seven percent full", "drink alcohol in moderation, you can replace wine with tea", "balanced vegetable intake", "seasoning should not be too heavy, add fat to dishes as appropriate", " Cooking methods mostly use steaming instead of frying and grilling" and other 5 techniques.

Overeating may cause heartburn

● Gastroesophageal reflux

Xie Ruiying pointed out that due to excessive stress and abnormal eating habits, modern people have more or less experience of acid reflux.

During the New Year's Eve, due to overeating under the influence of alcohol, a large amount of indigestible food stays in the stomach for too long, which increases the pressure inside the stomach, and then makes gastric acid and undigested food flow back into the esophagus, resulting in the so-called Heartburn, chest tightness, and even chest pain.

Some patients feel that the stomach acid rushes up to the throat, causing a foreign body sensation in the throat, or a hoarse voice. In severe cases, they may be woken up by a large amount of stomach acid when lying down to sleep!

Therefore, he suggested that it is good to eat seven percent full.

Excessive drinking is prone to upper gastrointestinal bleeding and it is most appropriate to replace alcohol with tea

Excessive drinking may cause rupture of esophageal varicose veins and esophageal laceration. Doctors recommend using tea instead of alcohol to avoid upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

(The picture is taken from the freepik website)

●Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

In Taiwan, some people drink too much alcohol for a long time or because they are carriers of hepatitis B or hepatitis C, resulting in liver fibrosis or hardening.

The poor condition of the liver may cause esophageal varices or esophageal venous tumors.

Excessive drinking of alcohol will greatly increase the risk of rupture of esophageal varicose veins!

Once the venous aneurysm ruptures, the slight bleeding will cause black stools, and in severe cases, a large amount of violent vomiting of blood will occur!

In addition to blood loss that may cause hypovolemic shock, a large amount of blood may even choke into the trachea, causing airway obstruction and suffocation and hypoxia. Emergency intubation is required for artificial respiration. This situation is considered a serious medical condition.

In addition, drinking a large amount of alcohol or eating a large amount of food in a short period of time may cause a rapid increase in gastric pressure and may cause vomiting, resulting in acute damage and bleeding of the mucosa at the junction of the stomach and esophagus, which is clinically called Mallory-Weiss Syndrome (esophageal laceration).

Therefore, Xie Ruiying suggested that drinking alcohol should be moderate, and it is best to replace alcohol with tea.

The most important thing to prevent acute gastroenteritis is instant food

●Acute gastroenteritis

In terms of digestive function, the stomach mainly digests protein.

Protein-rich fish and meat are the most on the New Year's table. Once such a large amount of protein food is eaten in a short period of time, it will put a lot of pressure on the stomach!

Coupled with some high-fat and heavy-tasting seasonings, it will be more irritating to the stomach, and eventually cause acute inflammation of the stomach, and even ulcers.

During the Chinese New Year, in order to have more than enough every year, many dishes are often endless and new ingredients are repeatedly added and reheated. When new and old ingredients are mixed alternately, there is often a risk of bacterial growth, causing bacterial infection and gastroenteritis. Therefore Xie Ruiying suggested that it is best not to prepare too much, and it is best to eat it immediately.

Unclean diet or norovirus infection can easily cause discomfort such as vomiting and diarrhea, so be careful; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

Winter is a good season for Norovirus infection.

When the family gets together during the Chinese New Year, it is especially easy to infect each other.

Whether it is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, it will cause symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

Severe cases may also cause bloody stools, dehydration or even shock, so remember to wash your hands frequently before meals and after going to the bathroom to prevent infection with bacteria or viruses.

●Acute pancreatitis

In addition to big fish and meat, drinking is often accompanied by a happy atmosphere.

From strong whiskey to beer, it's common to unknowingly consume large and excessive amounts of alcohol after drinking it to your heart's content.

High-fat dishes and excessive alcohol consumption will make the pancreas exhausted to secrete digestive enzymes, which will cause acute pancreas inflammation!

The common symptom of acute pancreatitis is epigastric pain, which typically radiates from the front of the abdomen to the back, and can only be relieved by bending forward.

However, the severity of pancreatitis can vary. Mild inflammation of the pancreas may be just pain, which can be relieved by resting for two or three days.

But moderate or even severe pancreatitis can cause multiple organ failure and even death!

Therefore, the possibility of acute pancreatitis must not be ignored.

The common symptom of acute pancreatitis is epigastric pain, which typically radiates from the front of the abdomen to the back, and can only be relieved by bending forward.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

●Acute cholecystitis

The gallbladder mainly stores bile secreted by the liver. After eating, it can be released in large quantities to help digest fatty foods.

However, short-term intake of a large amount of fat will cause excessive contraction of the gallbladder, and patients with a history of gallstones may develop acute cholecystitis!

The gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant, so the typical symptom is right upper quadrant pain, sometimes radiating to the right shoulder.

Severe gallbladder inflammation may suppurate and accumulate in the gallbladder. Once the pressure in the gallbladder is too high, it may rupture, causing the pus inside to flow into the abdominal cavity and cause severe peritonitis!

Therefore, Xie Ruiying suggested that the diet should be as light as possible and avoid being too greasy.

Dr. Xie Ruiying explained that gastrointestinal diseases are common during the Lunar New Year.

(Provided by Jialing Health)

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  • gastric ulcer

  • Norovirus

  • Acute cholecystitis

  • viral gastroenteritis

  • acute pancreatitis

  • Spring Festival Zone

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