Gao Minmin pointed out that the potassium and sugar content of citrus is high, it is recommended to eat 1 citrus at a time, and no more than 2 citrus a day.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Oranges, which symbolize "auspiciousness", are indispensable for Chinese New Year gifts.

In this regard, nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that oranges are rich in various nutrients, such as folic acid, dietary fiber, vitamin C, etc., which can enhance protection and reduce the chance of inflammation.

At the same time, the white silk on the orange also helps to prevent colds and constipation.

However, oranges are high in potassium and sugar, so it is recommended to eat one at a time. People with high blood sugar, kidney disease, and sugar control should pay attention to their intake.

Gao Minmin posted on the Facebook fan page "Gao Minmin Nutritionist" that the white silk on the orange is also called "jueluo" or "bailuo". It is rich in hesperidin, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, blood lipid, Blood pressure control, cardiovascular protection and other functions.

At the same time, it also contains more dietary fiber, increases chewing time and satiety, and can also help blood sugar control after eating, anti-constipation, and anti-cold.

Please read on...

The benefits of citrus

●Folic acid:

It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, and it is also one of the essential nutrients for pregnant mothers. Lack of folic acid makes people feel tired easily.

●Dietary fiber:

helps peristalsis and makes defecation smooth.

●Vitamin C:

enhance protection, resist stress, synthesize collagen, help iron absorption, protect the respiratory tract, and reduce the chance of inflammation.


reduce the chance of inflammation, diuresis to eliminate edema, and regulate high blood pressure.


protect vision and strengthen the health of skin and mucous membranes.

●Vitamin B group:

Eliminate fatigue and promote body metabolism.

●Citrus polyphenols:

protect the body's pipelines and reduce inflammation.

Gao Minmin explained that 1 orange is about 1 orange (156g), about 59 calories.

Every 100 grams of nutrition contains 1.5 grams of dietary fiber, 10 grams of carbohydrates, 343 micrograms of β-carotene, 8.2 micrograms of folic acid, 25.5 milligrams of vitamin C, 74 milligrams of potassium and other nutrients.

Gao Minmin added that although citrus is super nutritious, it contains high potassium and sugar content. It is recommended to eat 1 citrus at a time, and no more than 2 citrus per day.

In addition, patients with hyperglycemia, kidney disease, and sugar control should pay attention to their intake.

Citrus Selection Principles


The fruit shape is complete, the top of the fruit is concave and wide, and it feels heavy when picked up.

Citrus with flat fruit stem, clean and smooth peel, uniform color, and full of elasticity.


The peel is orange-yellow, the fruit is plump and full of elasticity, and feels heavy when picked up.

●Maogu citrus:

orange-yellow and shiny peel, which should be plump and elastic when held lightly, without shrinkage or dehydration.

In addition, the fruit pedicle cannot fall off, so the flesh of Maogu mandarin is more fully developed and has more water.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin.

(Provided by Gao Minmin)

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  • tangerine

  • Dietary fiber

  • healthy diet

  • Vitamin C

  • folic acid

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