Nutritionists remind patients with fatty liver to pay attention during festivals: do not over-intake carbohydrates, avoid high-fat foods, drink less alcohol and eat sweets, take more protein, and take more dietary fiber.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] When reuniting with relatives and friends to have a happy meal and satiate your appetite, you should also pay attention to whether the silent organ-the liver is facing a more serious crisis of fatty liver. Liu Fuxuan, an integrative medical nutritionist at Yue Clinic, reminded Fatty liver patients should pay attention during the holidays: do not excessively consume carbohydrates, avoid high-fat foods, drink less alcohol and eat sweets, consume more protein, and consume more dietary fiber.

Liu Fuxuan pointed out on the Facebook page "Liu Fuxuan Nutritionist" and personal website that the biggest cause of fatty liver is that the liver cannot metabolize triglycerides normally, resulting in excessive accumulation of fat particles in liver cells.

In the face of stress, drinking, obesity, bad eating habits and improper life and rest, long-term accumulation may lead to fatty liver. Mild fatty liver is the same as other hepatitis. About 80% of patients have no clinical symptoms, but if Negligence leads to further inflammation and abnormal liver function, which will become hepatitis or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

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raw food

Liu Fuxuan suggested that patients with fatty liver should choose the original food in their daily life and focus on a balanced diet. They can look for foods rich in phytochemicals, zeaxanthin, lutein, and polyphenols. When choosing ingredients, it is recommended to choose natural, Colored foods in their original state, avoid processed foods.

Recommended food: mushrooms, cucumbers, blueberries, apples, avocados.

Liver Nutrients

Liu Fuxuan said that you can also choose to take some liver-protecting nutrients, such as high-dose active B complex, high-active glutathione, sulfur-containing glycosides, and high antioxidant substances, which can help liver cells detoxify and accelerate the restoration of balance in the body , especially suitable for diners, entertainers and night owls.

Recommended food: kale, watercress, artichoke.

Foods for Fatty Liver Patients

Liu Fuxuan also pointed out that garlic, turmeric, kelp, kelp, cruciferous vegetables, and high-quality protein are also suitable for fatty liver patients.


A research-proven superfood rich in vitamin B1, which can effectively reduce inflammation and eliminate liver fat.


It is also a super food confirmed by research, which can effectively inhibit inflammation and reduce inflammation caused by toxins in fatty liver.

●Kelp and kelp:

rich in phycoxanthin, which can promote metabolism, reduce insulin resistance, and avoid the problem of fat accumulation in the liver.

●Cruciferous vegetables:

rich in special natural nutrients sulforaphane, which can strengthen the liver detoxification ability and inhibit inflammation.

Recommended food: kale, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, white cauliflower, mustard greens, potherb mustard.

●High-quality protein:

the liver can independently regenerate cells and repair inflamed and damaged areas, but the repair work requires sufficient protein to successfully start this recovery task.

Recommended food: soybean products, tofu, dried tofu, soy milk or low-fat lean meat.

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  • fatty liver

  • healthy diet

  • Liver protection

  • high quality protein

  • plant fibres

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