In order to monitor the dynamics of the number of migratory and sedentary birds, the counting process has been started in the country.

APA reports that Firuddin Aliyev, head of the Biological Diversity Protection Service, said that with the participation of the employees of the Azerbaijan Ornithological Society, the Institute of Zoology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and the Biological Diversity Protection Service, migratory and sedentary birds are currently being counted in the national parks of Kizilagac, Shirvan, Absheron, Aggol, Samukh. , Varvara, Aghzibir, Yashma, Sarisu hunting farms and bordering areas.

He noted that one of the migration routes of migratory birds in Eurasia passes through the territory of Azerbaijan, and specially protected natural areas - national parks - are located on the main migration routes of birds.

The head of the service pointed out that there are more than 400 species of ornitofauna in our country, and in addition to the protection of these species in the territory of Kyzylagac, Aggol, Absheron, Shirvan national parks, there are also ample opportunities for birdwatching, which is a direction of ecotourism: "One of these national parks "Kyzilagac and Aggol are included in the list of Ramsar Convention on wetlands of international importance due to their wider ornithological possibilities."