Patients with carbon monoxide poisoning have successfully improved their symptoms after receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

(Provided by Daqian Hospital)

[Reporter Zhang Xunteng/Miaoli Report] Three women from Miaoli County shared an apartment for 20 years because they worked together.

Recently, one of them, Ms. Liu, was chatting with two other friends in the living room after taking a shower. Halfway through the chat, she suddenly passed out. The friend called an ambulance and took her to the emergency department of the hospital. Unexpectedly, the other two also developed dizziness and headaches one after another. In case of physical discomfort, after blood test, all 3 people were poisoned by carbon monoxide. Fortunately, after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the symptoms of 3 people improved smoothly.

Luo Haoru, a physician at the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center of Daqian General Hospital in Miaoli City, pointed out that carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion.

Because carbon monoxide is more likely to combine with hemoglobin in the human body than oxygen, the blood no longer carries oxygen to the body tissues, so it will cause very large poisoning and even death.

Although the weather is cold, people are advised to open a window at home to maintain indoor air circulation, especially when using gas stoves, gas water heaters or charcoal fires.

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Luo Haoru said that when carbon monoxide poisoning occurs, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness will occur. At this time, the doors and windows should be opened immediately to allow air circulation, and at the same time, move the patient to a ventilated place to keep the airway unblocked, and call 119 for help as soon as possible. .

Luo Haoru, a doctor at Daqian Hospital in Miaoli City, reminded that although the weather is cold, remember to open the windows at home to allow air to circulate.

(Provided by Daqian Hospital)

According to research, some patients with carbon monoxide poisoning will develop delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae, including symptoms such as anxiety, poor memory, mental decline, and incontinence, which may last for more than 1 year or even life, and have a profound impact on the daily life of patients.

Therefore, if hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be given as early as possible in the early stage of poisoning, the damage to the body can be reduced, and the probability of neurological sequelae in the future can also be greatly reduced.

Luo Haoru reminded that due to the cold weather, this time of year is often the peak period of carbon monoxide poisoning. Daqian Hospital has admitted and treated many patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Fortunately, they all returned to normal after receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

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  • carbon monoxide

  • dizzy

  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy

  • feel sick and vomit

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