Wu Peiyu, deputy head of the Rehabilitation Department of St. Martin's Hospital and a physiotherapist, demonstrated the correct cleaning posture and suggested that the public make good use of low stools, stairs and other tools.

(Photo by reporter Wang Shanyan)

[Reporter Wang Shanyan/Report from Chiayi] The Chinese New Year is approaching, and every household begins to clean up. A woman surnamed Huang used to go to work and cleaned the house on weekends and holidays. Unexpectedly, she could not straighten her waist when she went to work on Monday , the elbow was also unable to exert strength due to pain, and it took one to two weeks for rehabilitation to get better.

Wu Peiyu, deputy head of the Rehabilitation Department of St. Martin's Hospital and a physical therapist, said that patients in outpatient clinics often suffer from shoulder and neck pain and backache due to overwork or incorrect posture when cleaning the house, such as mopping the floor, cleaning windows, and lifting heavy objects. Although it is not as serious as a herniated disc or nerve compression, mild symptoms may cause local muscle soreness and strain, and rest for 1 or 2 days is enough, and severe cases may cause tendonitis, tendon sheath inflammation or inflammation of the synovial bursa , the pain is extended to 1 or 2 weeks. In addition, if the elders have symptoms of osteoporosis, they should pay attention to the slippery floor or step on the stairs to avoid accidental falls, falls and fractures.

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Wu Peiyu said that the "NG" actions during general cleaning include repeated handling of sundries and garbage, direct bending to pick up items, repeated bending and straightening when mopping the floor, and when cleaning low-level dirt, if squatting for a long time It is also easy to cause excessive pressure on the knee joints and waist. If you squat for too long, you may not be able to stand up. It is especially taboo for elders with degenerated knee joints; , The head is tilted back, which is likely to cause shoulder pinch syndrome, rotator muscle injury, and cervical and lumbar spine degeneration and many other injuries.

Wu Peiyu demonstrated the wrong cleaning posture, holding the front end of the mop and cleaning the dirty place far away. Improper application of force caused problems such as mother's hand and tennis elbow.

(Photo by reporter Wang Shanyan)

Wu Peiyu demonstrates the wrong posture. If you stand on tiptoe and wipe the shoulders excessively stretched and pulled, and the head is tilted back, it is easy to cause shoulder pinch syndrome, rotator muscle injury, and cervical and lumbar spine degeneration and many other injuries.

(Photo by reporter Wang Shanyan)

Wu Peiyu suggested that maintaining a correct posture during cleaning can prevent back pain. You can choose appropriate cleaning tools, such as a mop that is suitable for your height and arm length. Sit in a sitting position for cleaning, and stand on a low stool for cleaning at high places.

While most people tend to bend over, hunchback, shrug or lean excessively when mopping and sweeping the floor, Wu Peiyu suggested that one should make good use of knee joints to squat down and mop the floor. Balance and center of gravity can prevent spinal injuries; when lifting heavy objects, first squat low to bring the objects to the front, and then slowly lift them up, do not bend down to grab the objects in a hurry.

Wu Peiyu also reminded the public to take a break every 30 minutes or an hour after cleaning, and let the whole family participate and share the labor. Before cleaning, do warm-up exercises or wear waist protectors, knee protectors, wrist protectors and other appliances to reduce the labor caused by housework. harm.

Wu Peiyu demonstrated the correct posture, such as squatting and mopping the floor, sweeping the floor, and walking wherever she dragged.

(Photo by reporter Wang Shanyan)

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  • cleaning

  • shoulder and neck pain

  • Tendonitis

  • Lumbar degeneration

  • Spring Festival Zone

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