claims that a toilet seat is about eight times cleaner than a bathroom doorknob.

It is the dirtiest place in the house.

It is followed by kitchen cabinet handles.

According to the study, interior bathroom doorknobs are the dirtiest objects, with an average of 93 bacterial colonies per square centimeter of surface.

There are four times more bacteria colonies on the handles of the kitchen cabinets than in the toilet.

Think about how often you neglect door and cabinet handles while cleaning.

Experts recommend cleaning them at least once a week, but few people do it regularly.

And it would be worth it, because doorknobs and cabinet handles are a great place for bacteria to multiply, microbes live there much longer than on other surfaces.

Bacteria and germs like Salmonella, Covid-19 and MRSA can survive on pens for hours, days and even weeks.

Photo: Credits

In addition to the fact that these surfaces need to be cleaned regularly, it is very important to do it correctly.

Here are some ways to clean your pens that will be effective in killing dirt and germs.

Alcohol spray

If you are in a hurry, a quick spray of this product will help kill most germs.

Simply wipe the handle with a damp cloth and spray with disinfectant.

Photo: Credits

Warm soapy water

Cleaning experts believe that warm, soapy water provides the most thorough cleaning.

Simply soak a rag in a bowl of warm water and dishwashing detergent, wring it out, and wipe your handles with it.

Clean fabric and wax

After washing with soapy water, wipe the entire handle with a clean, dry cloth, then use another to apply some wax to make it shiny.

Flour, salt and vinegar

If your handles are made of copper, brass or pewter, a cleaning expert suggested using a slightly different technique.

Make a paste using a tablespoon of flour, salt and vinegar, rub it into your hands, leave it on for a few minutes, then remove with hot, soapy water.

Use a very soft cloth to gently polish the handles to a shine.

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