Nutritionists suggest that you can brew sugar-free red date tea instead of sugary drinks, and replace traditional New Year snacks with fresh fruits, so as to reduce the burden on your body and have a healthy New Year.

(Provided by Miaoli Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare)

[Reporter Peng Jianli/Report from Miaoli] The Lunar New Year holiday is approaching. In order to increase the joyful reunion atmosphere of relatives and friends, sumptuous New Year dishes and snacks are indispensable.

Zhou Youxuan, a dietitian at Miaoli Hospital under the Ministry of Health and Welfare, taught everyone to pay attention to the key points of diet: "balanced intake of six categories, snacks, light snacks, drinking plenty of water, fresh ingredients with good flavor, and essential muscle and bone activities", so that people can enjoy a good year easily and healthily.

1. Balanced intake of 6 categories: Daily diet should cover dairy products, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish, eggs, meat, oils, nuts and seeds.

According to the National Health Department's "My Plate" formula "a cup of milk every morning and evening, each meal has a fist-sized fruit, a little more vegetables than fruits, as much rice as vegetables, a palm of beans, fish, eggs, and a teaspoon of nuts and seeds", choose the right amount And a variety of food, get balanced nutrition.

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2. Taste snacks and drink plenty of water: Traditional New Year’s snacks such as peanut candy, nougat, chocolate, candy, egg rolls, etc., are high in fat and refined sugar.

For example, 1 piece of peanut candy contains about 1 teaspoon of fat and maltose, and 4 pieces are equal to the calories of 1 bowl of rice; 2 egg rolls, 6 pieces of nougat, and 14 pieces of milk sugar are also about 1 bowl of calories. Eating snacks at will without restraint is an important reason for gaining weight after years of age.

It is recommended to read nutrition labels, pay attention to calories and portion size, purchase in moderation and choose small-package, non-fried, and low-addition snacks.

Soft drinks and sugary tea drinks are also high-calorie sources. A 600ml bottle of beer root or cider contains about 12 sugar cubes, milk tea about 8 sugar cubes, and orange juice about 7 sugar cubes.

Add some ice cubes or water to dilute the amount of alcohol before drinking, replace drinks with boiled water or mineral water, or make tea yourself, choose sugar-free teas, and avoid excessive intake of calories.

3. Fresh ingredients have a good flavor: New Year’s dishes such as pork knuckles, Dongpo pork, fried rice cakes, hair cakes, bacon, sausages, etc. are all high-calorie, high-fat foods.

Chinese New Year vegetables are often cooked with honey sauce, sweet and sour sauce, thickened cornstarch, etc., which can invisibly consume too many calories and should be used in moderation.

Choose low-fat lean meat and avoid internal organs, such as seafood, tenderloin, chicken, fish, etc.

Processed foods such as bacon, sausages, canned food, pickles, etc. are high in salt and sugar, so try to replace them with fresh ingredients.

Avoid frying and deep-frying in cooking methods. You can choose steaming, stewing, marinating, boiling, roasting, cold dressing, etc. to reduce fat intake.

Sauces that add flavor to the ingredients also increase the intake of fat, sugar and salt.

It is recommended to use natural spices such as onion, ginger, garlic, chili, coriander, tomato, etc. to add flavor.

4. Muscle and bone activities are essential: In addition to increasing cardiopulmonary function, strengthening bones, and increasing muscle strength, exercise also has the benefits of eliminating stress and controlling weight.

During the Spring Festival holiday, it is recommended to accumulate at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Make more use of the annual leave to go outdoors with family and friends, which can cultivate relationships and exercise muscles.

You can also take a walk or ride a bicycle during the Spring Festival or New Year's greetings to increase physical activity.

Stretching can also be done while watching TV at home to stretch your muscles and bones.

In addition, Zhou Youxuan reminded that during the Spring Festival, remember to eat slowly and not overeat.

Grasp the above dietary principles and take in enough water, exercise properly to consume too many calories and maintain a normal work and rest, you can relax and enjoy the new year happily and healthily without any burden!

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  • Vegetables

  • healthy diet

  • Spring Festival Zone

  • strength training

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