Wu Baifeng, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, suggested that the New Year's diet should be based on original foods, reduce the use of seasonings in cooking, and enjoy the natural delicacy of ingredients.

(Photo provided / Wu Baifeng)

Text / Wu Baifeng

How to eat during the 10-day Chinese New Year holiday to be healthy and avoid losing shape?

According to previous surveys conducted by the National Health Service, it was found that 41% of people tended to gain weight during the Chinese New Year, and the average weight gain was as high as 1.7 kg.

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Traditional Chinese medicine usually focuses on two aspects of body maintenance: "rebuild body metabolism" and "sleep". At the same time, it teaches people to maintain their body shape with proper diet and exercise.

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For rebuilding the body's metabolism, it does not only focus on suppressing appetite and diarrhea, but to rebuild the body's metabolism and Qi movement, and it will be adjusted differently according to the different constitution of each person.

For example: invigorating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the spleen and nourishing qi, reducing phlegm and dehumidification, clearing damp heat, nourishing yin and clearing heat, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing the triple burner, warming yang and transforming drink, etc., combined with diet and exercise adjustments, can make the body healthy , Normal metabolism.

And poor sleep quality will also affect the health of the body's viscera, because sleep is related to the coordination of yin and yang. Sunset, yin and yang ebb and flow change, so when you have sleep problems, you must not neglect them.

It is necessary to fundamentally reconcile the body's qi, blood, yin and yang, so that the disordered body can return to the best balance.

Traditional Chinese medicine usually prescribes medicines based on constitutional syndrome classification, or through acupuncture treatment. Common treatment points include scalp acupoints, Ershenmen acupoints, Neiguan acupoints and Shenmen acupoints.

Prototype food is the main abstention from ice products and cold drinks

So, what should you eat during the New Year’s Eve to keep your body in shape?

It is recommended that the diet should be based on prototype foods. The prototype foods are natural and unprocessed foods. After cooking with less seasoning, you can enjoy the natural delicacy of the ingredients.

The next step is to refrain from eating ice products and cold drinks, because taking too much ice products will reduce the metabolism and circulation of the spleen and kidney, and the water will stay in the body and cannot be discharged normally, which will form "cold dampness" in the body, and the cold dampness in the body will induce chronic.

Not only will the intestines and stomach absorb a lot of calories, but it will also increase the burden on the operation of the digestive tract organs, which will affect the digestive function in the slightest, and easily cause diarrhea in severe cases, and even myocardial infarction and kidney disease (the elderly with chronic diseases). Don't be careless!

Fatty, oily and sweet products should not be eaten too much

In addition, Chinese medicine literature also records "paste beam thick taste", which refers to fatty, sweet and greasy food with a strong smell. Chinese medicine believes that fatty and oily things are easy to help dampness and phlegm, and sweet products are greasy and hinder the stomach. Liang Houwei can easily cause sores.

It is also the main reason that modern medicine believes that it will cause hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc.

It will be better if it can be combined with exercise, such as aerobic exercise that exercises cardiopulmonary function and mainly consumes fat, including running, swimming, and cycling; or resistance exercise that mainly exercises muscle strength and consumes carbohydrates and fat, including Weight training, squats, deadlifts, horizontal bar pulls, etc. I believe that with a multi-pronged approach, the figure will definitely be safe!

(The author is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine at the Hsinchu Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University)

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  • lose weight

  • to sleep

  • healthy diet

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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