Nutritionists say that chronic inflammation can disrupt emotional functioning, but if the body has chronic inflammation, there are actually many foods that can help fight inflammation, such as rainbow vegetables and fruits, good oils, spices, etc.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Inflammation is the body's means of self-defense and protection, but what should we do if the body has chronic inflammation?

Nutritionist Wang Renwei said that there are actually many foods that can help anti-inflammation, such as vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, which can scavenge free radicals and activate immunity; good oils such as salmon and nuts contain Omega-3, especially fish are rich in Vitamin D, which mediates immunity; and finally, spices, which also help to regulate the balance of the inflammatory response.

Wang Renwei posted on the Facebook page "Wang Renwei Roy Nutritionist-Body and Mind Nutrition and Health Care", pointing out that chronic inflammation can disrupt emotional functioning, but if the body has chronic inflammation, there are actually many foods that can help anti-inflammation, such as Rainbow vegetables and fruits, good oils, spices, etc., make good use of them to balance the inflammatory response and create a good mood and physique together.

Please read on...

●Rainbow fruits and vegetables:

In order to resist ultraviolet rays and various external damage, plants produce several colorful phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins, lycopene, rutin, and flavonoids, which have many benefits for the human body, including scavenging free radicals, activating immunity, Inhibition of inflammation etc.

Vegetables and fruits not only have the dietary fiber needed by the good bacteria in the gut, but also supplement the vitamin C consumed by stress.

Good oils containing Omega-3:

Fatty acids produced by the decomposition of fats can be divided into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into three types of fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6, and 9 according to their chemical structure. Omega-3 fatty acids have the best anti-inflammatory effect, so it is recommended to increase the proportion of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, such as mackerel, salmon, autumn knife, nuts, chia seeds, linseed oil, perilla oil, etc., especially Fish is also rich in immune-modulating vitamin D, which together balance inflammation.


Various spices full of flavor, such as garlic, chili, turmeric, cumin, rosemary, and cinnamon, help to regulate the balance of inflammatory reactions, and many of them are commonly used ingredients in traditional medicine.

When cooking, add some ginger and garlic to taste, use some black pepper and mixed spices to enhance the taste, sprinkle some cinnamon when drinking coffee, etc. The good use of spices not only anti-inflammatory, but also increases the aroma and makes the mood happier.

Wang Renwei reminded that to help the body fight inflammation, it is not only about choosing the right food, but also a very important part of living habits, such as a good sleeping environment, moderate calorie intake, and maintaining physical activity, all of which are needed for anti-inflammatory physique. In the anxious pace of life, anti-inflammatory foods can be used to adjust the body and mind together.

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  • fruits and vegetables

  • anti-inflammatory

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • healthy diet

  • chronic inflammation

  • spices

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