According to Chinese medicine practitioners, winter itch is mainly divided into 4 types. Chinese medicine will give different treatment methods according to different types, but don't just rely on drugs to control it, but also start from daily life; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Every winter when the temperature drops sharply, the annoying "winter itch" comes to report.

Wang Dayuan, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, said that winter itch is mainly divided into 4 types. Chinese medicine will give different treatments according to different types, but don't just rely on drugs to control it, but also start from daily life, such as eating a light diet and drinking a cup every morning Honey water or lemon water, moisturizing and vitamin supplement.

Wang Dayuan pointed out in his Facebook fan page "Yuanqi Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Wang Dayuan" that traditional Chinese medicine believes that winter itch belongs to the category of wind dryness, blood heat, rheumatism or blood deficiency. Different syndrome types adopt different treatment methods. The following are the 4 types of winter itch and their treatments method:

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Itching is characterized by rapid onset, strong migratory nature, and no fixed place for itching.

●Blood heat:

Itching is common in the acute stage. The skin is bright red and hot, accompanied by pain and itching. It is recommended to treat it with clearing heat and cooling blood, such as Longdan Xiegan Decoction.


Itching is mainly due to swelling and erosion of the skin, oozing of blisters and repeated refractory. It is recommended to dissipate wind, dehumidify and invigorate the spleen, such as Coix seed, Poria cocos and Atractylodes macrocephala.

●Blood deficiency:

Itching is mainly caused by dry, desquamated, silvery-white lichenification of the skin, which often occurs in the later stage of itching in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to treat it with nourishing blood and moistening dryness, such as Angelica Yinzi.

The above syndrome types are often mixed with each other, so clinically they are repeatedly lingering and difficult to treat.

However, Wang Dayuan emphasized that winter itch cannot be controlled only by drugs, but also needs to be started from daily life, such as:

●The diet should be mainly light, fasting food, sweets and stimulating drinks, such as unshelled seafood, grilled fried, milk, alcoholic beverages.

●Water temperature should not be too hot when bathing.

Soap, shower gel and facial cleanser should be used sparingly, because cleansing products tend to take away a lot of oil from the skin and make the skin more dry. At this time, the skin will secrete more oil in a vicious circle and block the pores, so it is best to rinse with water .

●You can usually apply more hard cream, and it is better to replenish it every 2 to 3 hours. It is not recommended to use thin lotion, because the moisturizing effect is poor.

If the cracks are severe, you can apply Ziyun ointment to moisturize the skin and relieve itching.

●It is recommended to use ice compress, wet compress or light pressure on the affected area when itching is unbearable, and avoid scratching the skin with fingertips.

●Drink 1 cup of honey water or lemon water every morning to moisturize and supplement vitamin C to help you look good every day.

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  • winter itch

  • hot water

  • itchy skin

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • lotion

  • diet control

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