According to traditional Chinese medicine, the eyes are the place where the essence of the internal organs gathers. Eye problems usually reflect physical problems. Both internal and external injuries are the cause. Therefore, the treatment of eye diseases should start with physical conditioning; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] There is no cure for dry eyes except eye drops. There are also many cataract patients who still feel blurred vision after undergoing surgery.

Lin Mingyu, director of the Yuqun Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, believes that the eyes are where the essence of the internal organs gathers. Eye problems usually reflect physical problems, and both internal and external injuries are their causes. Therefore, the treatment of eye diseases should start with conditioning the body.

Lin Mingyu shared his experience with his blog on the Facebook fan page "Yuqun Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Lin Mingyu". He mentioned that since he started his business, he has been using Western medicine for treatment. Later, he studied Chinese medicine and used what he learned to combine Western medicine and Chinese medicine The effect of traditional Chinese medicine on optic nerve degeneration and blurred vision after cataract surgery has been quite good.

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Lin Mingyu said that TCM ophthalmology is especially suitable for people who do not want surgery for early cataracts, or people with early presbyopia, and can help delay the disease.

In addition, many cataract patients still have a blurred feeling after surgery, and there is no problem in the examination. This may be due to the retina, choroid, optic nerve, vitreous body and other tissues in the back half of the eyeball. Due to aging, diabetes or high blood pressure, the sensory sensitivity is not enough. According to Western medicine There are no obvious symptoms, but Chinese medicine conditioning can significantly improve it.

For example, Lin Mingyu, like patients with optic atrophy, usually has weak qi and blood or weak spleen and stomach. Qi can promote blood circulation, and blood can nourish the internal organs. Once the qi and blood are weak, the peripheral circulation and nerves will atrophy. Like ginseng, astragalus, angelica, etc., after adjusting the body, the eyesight will also improve.

Lin Mingyu reminded that Chinese medicine must give different prescriptions according to each person's physique. For example, many people think that wolfberry can improve eyesight, but wolfberry is not effective for everyone. According to the constitution of the doctor, prescribing the right medicine can solve the disease better.

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  • Eye

  • Physical Conditioning

  • Chinese treatment

  • eye protection

  • optic atrophy

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