❶Exercise consumes a lot of sugar to lower blood sugar, and hypoglycemia may occur. Therefore, when exercising, you must be aware of your body's reaction at any time. If you find that you are sweating more than usual, feel hungry, or tremble, stop exercising immediately .

In order to prevent hypoglycemia, you can carry candies with you during exercise.

❷Exercise will lose a lot of water. If you do not pay attention to replenishing water, it will affect the blood sugar level. Therefore, you should replenish water at any time before, during, and after exercise.

Please read on...

❸Diabetes patients should strictly monitor blood sugar. If blood sugar is too low, it is not advisable to do exercise. If dizziness, nausea, chest pain, abnormal vision or excessive fatigue occur during exercise, it is best to stop immediately.

Which exercises are aerobic?

Aerobic exercise refers to the rhythmic exhalation and inhalation during exercise. The muscles are regularly tensed and relaxed alternately. Using the large muscles of the whole body can strengthen the cardiopulmonary function and promote metabolism, such as brisk walking Running, jogging, hiking, cycling, etc., all belong to this type of exercise. Common fitness exercises in parks, such as Tai Chi, Waidan Gong, folk dance, Yuanji dance, etc., are also good choices.

Further reading:


Not only can running for 30 minutes a day make you happier!

Expert: "1 Exercise" is not limited by space and also helps the development of muscles and bones


Exercise is really good medicine!! Spend 2 or 3 times a week to do this for 30 minutes each time, you can relieve your lower back pain

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