Actress Ouyang Nana has sweet and delicate features, long and slender limbs, plus she can play the cello, her temperament is like a fairy. However, in the photos she exposed recently, I don’t know whether it’s the clothing tailoring or the camera angle, which makes her look a lot fatter. Netizens ridiculed: "It's swollen to fall in love!"

Ouyang Nana and Chinese actor Zhai Zilu reported their love affair because they co-produced the MV. The media photographed Zhai Zilu entering and exiting Ouyang Nana's boudoir many times. However, it has been reported that the two have broken up recently. The reason for the breakup is that Ouyang Nana's agency believes that " Women are superior to men and they are not compatible, and many people suspected that Zhai Zilu was using Ouyang Nana's fame to stir up news. Under the pressure of the agency, the two finally broke up.

Please read on...

Ouyang Nana is no longer slender.

(Reposted from nanaouyang IG, the same below) 

Ouyang Nana has never let go of this relationship. Her personal IG is still full of work tidbits, and her life seems to be quite fulfilling. She updated IG yesterday (8) and put In the photo at the seaside, she is wearing a black dress with thin shoulder straps. The low-cut design makes her reveal a large collarbone, which is quite sexy. Fans praised her for being sweet and spicy, and her profile angle is beautiful, but some netizens ridiculed her for being swollen .

When she posted a picture of enjoying the Christmas dinner last Christmas, she was wearing tight shorts and black stockings. She was criticized for "the meat was squeezed out." The figure of the star really is the focus of public attention.

Ouyang Nana posted photos of playing in the sea and was said to be swollen.

Ouyang Nana's photos of Christmas last year were also distributed as blessings.

Further reading:

Prince Harry exposes the "century lie"!

It turns out that Prince William and Princess Kate have been "acting all the time."

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