[Reporter Yang Xinhan/Taipei Report] "Jolin" Jolin Tsai's "UGLY BEAUTY" finale tour will come to an end at the Little Arena tonight. During these 6 concerts, the fans have prepared small things for support. Yesterday Jolin will sing " Before "Rose Boy", all the fans held up roses to cheer up the idol, and the picture looked warm and moving.

Jolin Tsai debuted 24 years ago and still has a large number of fans following her.

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Before the end of the concert, Jolin will share "Chicken Soup for the Soul" with fans, all improvised by her on the spot. Last night, Tianhou shared: "When I am learning anything, I often find that I am often forced to get it quickly. The results made me nervous and out of breath.”

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Jolin, who has debuted for 24 years, seeks new ideas and changes, and has stricter requirements on himself. The queen shared her state of mind and confessed that she was once lost. I want to pretend to be strong, I want to pretend that I can do everything, and I want to be the envy of everyone.”

Jolin Tsai held the finale tour of "UGLY BEAUTY" at the Little Arena.

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Jolin curiously asked the fans if they had experienced such a process, but hid his heart, "What stage of your life have you reached now? Is it in line with what you want now? I hope you will take a good look at your Inner child, admit that he is fragile, but he is your most loyal audience along the way, just like this rose, fragile but strong." Based on the experience I have gone through, I want to encourage all fans.

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