Britney was abused by the family but ignored by the church.

(reposted from FB)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] "Little Sweet" Zhang Keyun released a court protection order today, confirming that she was domestically abused by her husband, Mr. Song.

In this regard, lawyer Lu Qiuyuan listed "Ten Major Situations", saying that each church's situation is different, and it is impossible to discuss it in depth. However, he appealed to the group to escape if it fits the proposed situation.

He listed 10 situations including "group leaders act dictatorially and do their own way", "manipulate group or individual psychology", "encourage prejudice and bullying", "publicly humiliate apostates", "create victim guilt", " Isolate "this person"", "If you betray the group, you will cut off the previous support", "Intimidation and threats are alternated with tenderness and consideration", "The group's family law is higher than the national law", "Unreasonable dedication is required, Whether material or bodily".

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Britney was raped and wanted to call the police and have her injury checked, but was stopped by members of the church.

(Photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Lu Qiuyuan said that if the group he belongs to has the above symptoms, he must flee, and it is not worth nostalgia.

Just like the case of Britney, it was originally a simple family case, but because church leaders intervened and even criticized the victim for having problems with her private life, preventing the victim from reporting the case, there were so many controversies.

Regarding domestic violence, he mentioned that "domestic violence for one day is domestic violence for life. Unless the perpetrator has great determination, domestic violence will not change, it will only continue to intensify." Some people try to tell you with the five thousand years of traditional Chinese culture that your behavior will destroy the relationship between husband and wife, parent-child relationship, interpersonal relationship, and even yourself, or that you must be at fault and have problems with your private life, so that people will be violent You, this is already a review of the victim's condition, why should we be buried with such a person?"

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