Chen Weiling (right) was bombarded with an overacted expression at the press conference.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] Song Yimin and his wife held a press conference yesterday to respond to the controversy about "Art from Shining". Wiping tears frequently to cover up her breakdown, the exaggerated expression changes were complained by the outside world as "overacting". Some sharp-eyed netizens noticed that after the press conference was over, she turned around and entered the elevator, her expression seemed to have changed a lot.

Chen Weiling accompanied Song Yimin to the press conference. During Song Yimin's explanation of the controversy, she frowned. Later, she felt suspicious emotions. First she closed her trembling lips, and then her expression became more and more sad. It looked rather haggard.

However, after the press conference was over, Chen Weiling turned around and entered the elevator, but the expression on his face unexpectedly turned natural, without the previous painful look.

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Chen Weiling looked extremely sad during the press conference.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Chen Weiling's expression changed subtly after entering the elevator.

(recapped from YouTube)

Regarding Chen Weiling's expression change in a short period of time, netizens poured into the comment area to express "no more tears", "it's normal when you enter the elevator", "it's fake to smile immediately after entering the elevator", "my wife woke up in the elevator , Eyes wide open", "Ms. how did she get into the elevator and her complexion became better", "This elevator is amazing".

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