Makiyo (left) broke the news last year that she and her husband had a divorce.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yiquan)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] 38-year-old Japanese actress Makiyo gave birth by caesarean section in October last year. Unexpectedly, less than a week after the baby landed, Makiyo launched a live broadcast and criticized her husband "Xiao Jin" for being very superficial. She packed it when Makiyo was in confinement Leaving, the two separated and got married, and Makiyo's sister "Fat Sister" appeared on the show to reveal the reason.

The fat sister appeared on the "Little S" Xu Xidi show "Miss Not Xidi", revealing that the key to the marriage change between Makiyo and her husband was "poor communication". The fat sister said: "Xiao Jin may be afraid to communicate directly with Makiyo." In the past, Xiaojin directly recorded the limited-time dynamics, saying that he was doing something, and asked Makiyo to watch Xiaojin's dynamics by himself, but this behavior made Makiyo unhappy.

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Makiyo's sister Fat Sister (pictured) revealed the key reason for Makiyo's marriage change on the show.

(recapped from YouTube)

Fat sister also admitted that Makiyo often mistook Xiao Jin and "wanted to use her to become popular", so the two sides often had communication disputes, and fat sister also persuaded Xiao Jin to be "Cinderella", thinking that the child is born, and an apology is right.

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