Xingda teamed up with the medical community to use autologous blood differentiated cells to produce collagen to treat degenerative arthritis, and patients were injected with mononuclear cells to produce software as a control.

(Photo: photo provided by Xingda)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] National Chung Hsing University and the medical community have collaborated in research on the use of autologous blood to differentiate into mononuclear cells that can resist inflammation and produce type II collagen protein, and inject the cells into joints to help cartilage repair. Hsing University and the three major medical centers Cooperatively received 150 people with stage II to IV degenerative arthritis for clinical trials. After a single mononuclear ball was administered and followed for one year, 90% of the patients improved including pain and motor function; continuous follow-up 2 95% of the 20 people in 2019 still have improved pain and motor function; the team will expand the number of cases accepted, design more rigorous clinical trials and combine image analysis, hoping to provide therapeutic options for the treatment of degenerative arthritis.

In view of the fact that the prevalence rate of degenerative knee arthritis in the Chinese people is about 15%, 3.5 million people suffer from joint pain, and degenerative arthritis is the number one enemy that causes motor dysfunction in the elderly. Chung Hsing University and Asia University Affiliated Hospital, Changhua Xiuchuan Hospital cooperates with Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital to study the mechanism of treatment other than medication or surgery.

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Lin Zhilong, vice president of the Affiliated Hospital of Asia University, pointed out that degenerative arthritis is often accompanied by cartilage wear and inflammation of surrounding tissues, causing long-term pain and bone spurs, but the cartilage cannot repair itself after wear and tear. At present, about 15-20% of the elderly over 60 suffer from degeneration Osteoarthritis, 30-40% of people over the age of 70 suffer from degenerative arthritis. In the past, the treatment of mild cases was mostly based on medication. If it was severe, artificial joints would be replaced. The research hopes to find a safe and fast solution to degenerative joints without surgery. inflammation therapy.

Su Honglin, a professor of the Department of Life Sciences of Chung Hsing University, pointed out that the current trend is to use cells to treat degenerative arthritis, but the team's research does not require in vitro culture, and relies on self-repair mechanisms to treat degenerative arthritis. It is important to repair cells. Through special technology, the inflammatory cells in the blood are removed, leaving only repairable mononuclear cells. Not only can it resist inflammation, but it can also produce type II collagen by itself.

The clinical experiment team, including Su Honglin, Lin Zhilong, orthopedic surgeons Zhuang Changhan and Zhong Yuxuan of Xiuchuan Hospital, and the director of the orthopedics department of Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, injected the differentiated mononuclear cells into the joint cavity of patients with degenerative arthritis in the second to fourth stages , relying on the cell self-repair mechanism to supplement type II collagen protein. It was found that a single injection of concentrated monocytes significantly improved the patient's pain control and motor function.

Su Honglin said that among the 150 patients admitted to the three hospitals, 90% of them were followed up for 1 year, including pain and motor function were improved, and 20 of them were followed up for 2 years, and 95% of them still maintained the effect, and the curative effect exceeded expectations. The experimental results were published in the top international journal "Scientific Reports".

Xingda joins hands with the medical community to use autologous blood differentiated cells to produce collagen to treat degenerative arthritis.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

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  • sports

  • arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis of the Knee

  • cartilage wear

  • autologous blood

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