Doctors pointed out that high-fat foods in processed foods can slow down feelings of sadness, and through this "food addiction" business model, increase ghrelin and send messages through the brain to make people hungrier.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Processed foods are flooding our lives. Not only are they convenient and quick to eat, but they are also addictive due to their high salt and sugar content. Eating them when you are in a bad mood is even more pleasant.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners remind that fat and sugar foods in processed foods can activate the brain's reward system, while high-fat foods can slow down feelings of sadness.

But this actually follows the business model of "food addiction", increasing ghrelin and sending messages through the brain to make people hungrier.

Huang Yixuan, a traditional Chinese medicine physician, posted on the Facebook fan page "Fuyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic" that eating delicious food is a very healing thing for many people. The Oxford dictionary also defines "comfort food" as a healing food, which is Foods that comfort your sadness, anxiety, and often those are sugar-laden sweets.

This is why the lovelorn heroine in the movie always wears a crying makeup, hugs a whole bucket of ice cream, and eats a whole box of donuts.

Please read on...

Huang Yixuan pointed out that Belgian psychiatrists believe that foods rich in fat and sugar can activate the brain's reward system, and high-fat foods can slow down the feeling of sadness.

However, the guilt that strikes after eating may make people fall into more guilt and self-denial, forming a vicious circle.

She also mentioned that processed foods contain additives such as salt and sugar, or use drying, sterilization and other processing processes, originally to prolong food preservation and preserve food flavor.

However, the more common "ultra-processed foods" add more additives, such as preservatives, sweeteners, colorings, spices, etc., such as cakes, biscuits, corn chips, cooking packets, frozen foods, etc., which may affect Health poses a greater threat.

The Journal of the American Medical Association.

A study in JAMA Neurology showed that long-term consumption of ultra-processed foods may cause cognitive decline, executive function decline, etc., endangering brain and cardiovascular health.

As for patients who are losing weight, Huang Yixuan said that in outpatient clinics, doctors often hope to choose prototype foods instead of these delicate, over-processed commercial foods, and because the manufacture of processed foods actually follows the "food Addiction" business model.

A British doctor also conducted a one-month experiment, replacing 80% of his diet with processed foods. After a week, he began to experience symptoms such as constipation, insomnia, and headaches. After a month of experiments, his weight increased by 6.5. kg, including 3 kg of body fat.

The results of endocrine examination revealed that ghrelin increased by 30% and leptin decreased, indicating that the signal from the brain made him more likely to be hungry.

The study pointed out that these convenient, quick and delicious processed foods made him crave food even more, eating bite after bite.

This kind of "eating brings pleasure" as a way to reward yourself may cause new connections in the dopa-an reward system in the brain, which is similar to addiction.

Huang Yixuan suggested that when losing weight, you should keep a good food record, let yourself eat consciously, and use natural prototype foods or low-level processed foods instead of ultra-processed foods; you should also use other channels to relieve stress, such as exercise, Singing, reading, etc., so as to be thin and healthy.

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  • brain

  • manufactured food

  • sugar

  • ultra-processed food

  • high fat

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