For lumbar and spinal diseases that require surgery, Li Jialong, attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics at Tainan Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said that minimally invasive endoscopic surgery is an option that can be considered.

(Provided by Tainan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare)

[Reporter Wang Junzhong/Tainan Report] A 72-year-old man was keen on mountain climbing and other outdoor sports. One day, he began to suffer from back pain after turning over and getting up.

Day after day, months passed, the pain intensified, and the hills that I could walk were unable to climb due to the weakness of my lower limbs.

From the clinic to the Tainan Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the doctor checked that the 4th and 5th lumbar spondylolisthesis was unstable. After undergoing minimally invasive endoscopic decompression and fusion surgery on the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, I regained my healthy life of climbing and hiking.

Li Jialong, an orthopedic physician at Tainan Hospital, pointed out that the patient first went to the clinic for medical treatment, and taking medicine could only slightly relieve the pain. After undergoing rehabilitation for waist stretching, the pain was even worse. Instead, he went to the hospital for medical treatment and was told to have surgery.

The patient was introduced to the orthopedic clinic of Tainan Hospital. X-ray examination showed that the 4th and 5th lumbar spondylolisthesis was unstable. Further magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the stenosis of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae combined with nerve compression, and received lumbar minimally invasive endoscopic decompression. After the fusion operation, you can get out of bed on the same day and be discharged from the hospital the next day to get rid of the pain and weakness.

Please read on...

Li Jialong said that there are many causes of waist and hip pain, numbness and weakness of lower limbs. In addition to physical examination and imaging examination, the patient's symptoms are an important reference. The treatment should follow a step-by-step treatment, observe the treatment response, and further clarify the cause before accurate and effective treatment. Eradicating pain and regaining health.

Heavy work on the waist or long-term improper posture may cause degeneration of the lumbar spine, causing back pain and numbness and weakness of the lower limbs, resulting in problems such as damaged intervertebral disc, loss of intervertebral height, bone spur hyperplasia, joint inflammation, spinal foramen stenosis, nerve compression, and even intervertebral disc Cavitation, spondylolisthesis instability, narrowing of the nerve, leading to neurogenic claudication.

If conservative treatment of this disease is ineffective, Li Jialong said that when surgical intervention is required, minimally invasive spinal endoscopic surgery can be said to be the first choice for surgery. Endoscopic surgery with a wound less than 1 cm penetrates the muscle tissue to the spine for surgery. In addition to avoiding the pain of large wounds, it can also preserve the stability of muscles, ligaments and vertebrae and avoid unnecessary damage. More importantly, the field of view of endoscopic surgery is clearer, and the lesion can be seen clearly, the degree of nerve decompression can be confirmed, and it can also be identified Nerves are protected from injury to ensure successful surgery.

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  • back pain

  • mountaineering

  • numb feet

  • spondylolisthesis

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