The woman had difficulty raising her hand, thinking it was fifty shoulders, but it was actually a defective immune system.

(Provided by Changhua Hospital)

Reporter Yan Hongjun/Report from Changhua

A 58-year-old woman surnamed He found that she couldn't raise her hands very often. She suspected it might be fifty shoulders. She went to the emergency room because of shortness of breath. After examination, she found out that she was an immune disease polymyositis.

Dr. Wang Shikai, a doctor of Immunology and Rheumatology at Changhua Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said that if this disease affects the respiratory function, it is already quite dangerous, so don't ignore it!

The woman surnamed He lost 10 kilograms in two months. She also felt weak in her arms. She couldn't even raise her hands to straighten her hair or wash her face.

She thought she was suffering from Fifty Shoulders, and after further blood draws, she found that her liver function was abnormal, but the medicine did not improve, but her weakness and shortness of breath became worse and worse.

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Wang Shikai pointed out that a few days ago, He Nv went to the hospital for shortness of breath in the middle of the night and went to the emergency department. After the examination, she found that her limbs were weak in the proximal end (upper arm and thigh), which was very similar to rare polymyositis. Further blood tests were carried out. Its creatine kinase (CPK) value was as high as 3200 IU/L (standard value 24~150 IU/L), and liver index (GPT, GOT) exceeded 300 U/L (standard value was less than 40 U/L). Diagnosed with polymyositis.

Suffering from polymyositis may affect respiratory function

Wang Shikai said that polymyositis is characterized by symmetrical muscle weakness in the proximal upper and lower extremities, as well as elevated muscle enzymes including liver function index. The attack caused shortness of breath. After treatment with steroids and immunosuppressants, he is currently recovering stably.

Wang Shikai said that after treatment, He Nu can finally comb her hair by herself, brush her teeth and wash her face easily, and her tiredness gradually disappeared.

The cause of polymyositis is still unknown. It may be due to a defect in the immune system. In practice, as long as you have a normal work and rest and relieve stress, you should be able to reduce the chance of recurrence, but you still need to check regularly in the future.

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  • fifty shoulders

  • health care

  • immune disease

  • Shortness of breath

  • polymyositis

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