The Taiwan Cancer Foundation invited Qian Weijuan, a well-known former national women's basketball player, to serve as an ambassador for hepatitis B education.

(Photo by reporter Wu Liangyi)

[Reporter Wu Liangyi/Taipei Report] Mama Chen has been infected with hepatitis B for many years. She has been using daily health food "health" instead of "liver nourishment" and tracking. When she happened to go to the clinic for a blood test, she found that her liver index had soared to 20 times the normal value , quickly received drug treatment, but the virus had already caused damage to the liver during the treatment period. After more than 3 years of follow-up and treatment, early liver cancer was found in an ultrasound examination.

The National Health Service announced today the top ten most common cancers among Chinese people in 2020. Liver cancer still ranks No. 4. The number of new cases is as high as 10,982, the standardized incidence rate is 26.1, and the median age of onset is 67 years old.

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Lai Chi-ming, executive director of the Taiwan Cancer Foundation, pointed out that since my country's full vaccination of newborns with hepatitis B vaccine in 1986, the rate of hepatitis B carrier in the vaccine generation has continued to decrease to 0.5%, but liver cancer has long been the top ten cancer "causes of death" among Chinese people. About 7 of the patients who died of liver cancer became carriers of liver B. Based on this calculation, about 15 people die of liver cancer due to liver B every day.

Vaccination and antiviral therapy are both effective ways to prevent and treat hepatitis B-related liver cancer. However, the "vaccine fault generation" before the launch of the hepatitis B vaccine policy is currently over 37 years old, and it is estimated that there are still 1.9 million liver B carriers.

Among them, many people missed the opportunity for treatment because they did not follow up continuously, and entered the trilogy of "hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer".

Xu Yaojun, director of the Liver Disease Center of E-Da Hospital, pointed out that E-Da’s research team analyzed 1017 liver B patients with liver cancer and found that as many as 75% had never been treated for liver B before they developed cancer, so they missed the opportunity to prevent liver cancer. Further analysis found that, These untreated patients with hepatitis B had significantly lower indicators of disease follow-up, whether it was outpatient visits, specialist consultations, liver index tests, or abdominal ultrasound examinations.

In addition, 71% of 255 patients who received treatment for liver B before the diagnosis of liver cancer had cirrhosis, which means that although there is treatment, it is too late.

The Taiwan Cancer Foundation invited Qian Weijuan, a well-known former women’s national basketball player, to serve as a hepatitis B health education ambassador. Qian Weijuan is also a member of the Hepatitis B Vaccine Fault Generation. Under the health education of physicians, knowing that liver B is the biggest cause of liver cancer, abdominal ultrasound and liver B related examinations are maintained every six months for a long time to reduce the risk of disease progression or even canceration.

The Cancer Foundation reminds that in the past, it was believed that patients with hepatitis B did not need treatment if they did not reach the level of cirrhosis, had only a slight abnormality in liver inflammation index, or were asymptomatic. The process of chronic infection may have started in the early stage of chronic infection, because the viral DNA will chimerize into the human body's DNA, destroy the stability of the patient's gene, and directly cause cancer; especially the more virus, the higher the risk of developing liver cancer.

For hepatitis B carriers, if they are not continuously followed up and intervened at an appropriate time, the lifetime risk of chronic liver B patients progressing to cirrhosis or liver cancer is 25% to 40%.

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  • hepatitis

  • liver cancer

  • liver cirrhosis

  • Hepatitis B

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