Cheng Hanyu pointed out that high blood lipids and insulin resistance increase fat accumulation in the liver, causing inflammation in the body and damage to liver cells; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 110 years, liver cancer ranks second among the main causes of cancer death in my country; in this regard, nutritionist Cheng Hanyu shared 10 bad habits that damage the liver, such as high-fat and high-sugar eating habits, Eating too little fiber, uncontrolled blood lipids and blood sugar, etc.

Among them, eating moldy food may increase the risk of liver cancer, so if the food is moldy, you must not eat it.

Cheng Hanyu posted on his Facebook fan page "Cheng Hanyu Nutritionist" and his personal website that most liver diseases do not necessarily have obvious symptoms, and when symptoms do appear, they are usually very serious.

The best way to protect and protect the liver is to avoid the following bad habits that damage the liver.

Please read on...

10 bad habits that damage the liver


the liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol, drinking alcohol will increase the risk of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.


Fat accumulation in the liver leads to liver inflammation and liver damage.

●Taking medicines indiscriminately: taking medicines

of unknown origin, or not taking medicines according to the dosage.

For example, traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine of unknown origin, or taking too much medicine, or even taking medicine with alcohol, can easily cause liver damage.

●High-fat diet:

especially saturated fat (chicken skin, fatty meat), red meat (sausage, ham), and trans fat can cause impaired glutathione metabolism in the liver, and inflammation and oxidation of the body can cause fatty liver, leading to obesity and liver disease. damage.

●Sugar-containing food and beverages:

High-sugar foods such as cakes, sugar-containing bubble drinks, and sugar-containing snacks are related to fatty liver and increase liver inflammation.

●Eating moldy food:

Food is left for a long time, and the toxins cannot be eliminated by heating back and forth. For example, aflatoxin begins to decompose when heated to a high temperature of 280°C. Generally, heating is not easy to destroy its structure. Aflatoxin is super carcinogenic and usually exists Long-term consumption of large amounts of food contaminated with aflatoxin, such as poorly preserved peanuts, grains, nuts or beans, greatly increases the risk of liver cancer.

It is recommended that the above-mentioned foods should be stored in the refrigerator as long as they are opened, and that they should be eaten early without buying too much.

If the food is moldy, remember to discard it, instead of removing the moldy place and continuing to eat the rest.

●Too little fiber:

Prebiotic dietary fiber is non-digestible carbohydrates, found in garlic, asparagus, leeks, chicory roots and onions, which can serve as food for good bacteria and help fight inflammation.

Ethanol and other volatile organic compounds produced in a dysregulated intestinal environment may also have toxic effects on the liver when intake is insufficient and bad bacteria increase microbial metabolism.

●Blood lipids and blood sugar are not controlled:

high blood lipids and insulin resistance increase the accumulation of fat in the liver, causing inflammation in the body and damage to liver cells.

●Sleeping ≤5 hours/day:

The study found that people who sleep ≤5 hours a day have a 43% higher risk of developing fatty liver than those who sleep ≥7 hours a day.

●Sedentary and less active:

Overseas research targeted 140,000 middle-aged Korean men and women, and nearly 35% of them had fatty liver.

Studies have found that both sedentary and inactive are related to fatty liver.

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu.

(Provided by Cheng Hanyu)

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  • liver

  • sugary drinks

  • hurt the liver

  • liver protection

  • moldy food

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