The nutritionist pointed out that among the common winter desserts, the calorie content of comprehensive burnt grass jelly ranks first, with 350 mg as a serving, it contains 483 kcal.

(file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Warm desserts are indispensable in winter, such as roasted grass jelly, red bean soup, etc., but when you can’t wait to taste them, don’t ignore their calories; in this regard, nutritionist Yang Sihan shared 8 common winter desserts Dessert calorie ranking, No. 1 is the comprehensive burnt grass jelly with 483 calories. She also reminded that people with weight loss, diabetes and hyperlipidemia have their own precautions when consuming desserts. For example, diabetics are advised to reduce sugar water as much as possible Or change to sugar-free, so that it is not easy to make blood sugar soar.

Yang Sihan pointed out in a Facebook fan page "Yang Sihan's Nutritionist's Delicious Life" that the top three calories are 483 kcal for comprehensive roasted jelly, 382 kcal for peanut soup, and 350 mg per serving. Rice red bean soup 355 calories.

Please read on...

Winter dessert calorie list.

(Picture taken from Yang Sihan's Facebook page)

Yang Sihan reminded that people who are losing weight, diabetics, and people with high blood lipids have some precautions when consuming these desserts.

Those who lose weight:

the one with the highest calorie is the comprehensive burnt jelly. If you want to control the calories, it is recommended to reduce the ingredients. If you switch to pure burnt jelly, the calories are only 1/3, so just pay attention to the frequency of consumption, and it’s okay to taste it occasionally. guilt.


Foods containing carbohydrates, such as whole grains and miscellaneous grains (sweet potato balls, taro balls, red beans, purple rice) and fruits (red dates, longan), it is recommended to moderately replace starchy foods, while sugar water should be reduced or replaced as much as possible Being sugar-free, it is less likely to cause blood sugar to spike.

People with high blood lipids:

Hidden fat foods, such as nuts, peanuts, sesame, and almonds, are recommended to be eaten as meals to avoid fried or too greasy foods, so as not to increase cholesterol and triglycerides due to excessive fat intake.

Be careful with soups that are too sweet and greasy, as excess sugar will increase blood oil (triglycerides).

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  • diabetes

  • lose weight

  • heat

  • hyperlipidemia

  • burn jelly

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