Experts say that if you want to fight insomnia, you can use the following 5 strategies: go to bed only when you are sleepy and want to sleep, leave the bed if you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes after going to bed, the bed is for sleeping, keep getting up at the same time, avoid sleeping Afternoon nap; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Modern people live under a lot of pressure, and in a high-pressure living environment, it is easy to suffer from insomnia.

Yu Jiarong, a psychologist at the Taipei Children's Companion Psychotherapy Institute, said that through stimulus control therapy, the negative connection between "going to bed" and "feeling that I will lose sleep" can be eliminated, and a positive conditioning response can be established. The method is as follows: Only sleepy and thinking Go to bed when you are sleeping, leave the bed if you do not fall asleep within 20 minutes after going to bed, the bed is for sleeping, get up at the same time, and avoid taking a nap.

Yu Jiarong posted on the Facebook page "Fanny Loves Zentangle § Yu Jiarong Psychologist", pointing out that from the perspective of psychological counseling, modern people's insomnia is often caused by "heart". The therapist will use stimulus control therapy to help friends with insomnia. Simply put, it means "since you are in bed, try to minimize external stimuli that will hinder sleep." There are 5 specific methods.

Please read on...

●Go to bed only when you are sleepy and sleepy:

avoid being unable to fall asleep immediately after going to bed, the anxiety caused by not being able to fall asleep will make it more difficult to fall asleep, and re-enforce the negative conditioning response.

●Get out of bed if you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes after going to bed:

If you can’t fall asleep , it’s best to stay away from the bed, do something boring and relaxing, and go back to bed when you feel sleepy.

●Beds are for sleeping:

please don’t watch dramas or even work on the bed.

Beds should only be used for sleeping (or sleeping together).

●Keep getting up at the same time: Get up

at a fixed time to help yourself establish a regular day and night cycle.

●Avoid taking a nap:

Let yourself fall asleep easily after going to bed at night, which is an effective way to establish a positive conditioning response.

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  • pressure

  • Insomnia

  • to sleep

  • can't sleep

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