According to Chinese medicine practitioners, there are three types of cold hands and feet. Among them, people who lack the habit of exercising do not need to take special supplements, as long as they move, the effect will be seen immediately; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The cold current has covered Taiwan with frozen sweet potatoes. Many people have cold hands and feet when the weather turns cold.

Yu Yawen, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, said that there are three types of cold hands and feet, including those who lack exercise habits, those with weak qi and blood, and those with stagnation of liver qi. Among them, people who lack exercise habits do not need to take special supplements.

Yu Yawen posted on the Facebook fan page "Shangxi Chinese Medicine Physician Yu Yawen Chinese Medicine Physician", pointing out that many friends stretched out their hands to feel the pulse, which made her feel like touching a popsicle. If she wants to improve her cold hands and feet, she should first check whether she has the habit of exercising, especially women Cold hands and feet are more likely to be cold in winter, but this does not mean yang deficiency. You need to replenish yang qi and take some medicines to warm yang. Cold hands and feet will have a lot to do with long-term inactivity.

People who have long-term exercise habits will have warm hands and feet. To improve this situation, there is no need to take warming foods or traditional Chinese medicine. Just exercise and the effect will be immediate.

Please read on...

Yu Yawen said that another situation is people with weak qi and blood, because people with insufficient qi and blood and yang qi deficiency, the kind of cold hands and feet will come from the bones. Their bodies do not have so much qi and blood to supply oxygen, so they cannot let yang qi Access to the limbs, this can be treated through diet and traditional Chinese medicine.

Yu Yawen reminded that the last type of people with liver qi stagnation, Chinese medicine says "Qi", it can pass through the limbs and the whole body through the liver's dredging function, and the distribution of yang qi will be very even. At this time, if the liver qi is stagnant, it means often feeling depressed or Nervous emotions, this yang energy cannot be communicated normally, this kind of situation usually results in cold fingertips.

In addition, the palm is warm, so this is not Yang deficiency.

Instead, as long as you rest more, practice more relaxing yoga, and balance your autonomic nerves, the ends of your hands will naturally be warm.

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  • sports

  • keep out the cold

  • cold hands and feet

  • Physical Conditioning

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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