"Children are influenced more by their parents when choosing a major. The parent should listen to the child, understand him and know that he has his own way."

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Examination Center Maleyka Abbaszade said this in his statement to APA.

He compared choosing the wrong major to a woman wearing clothes that don't fit her.

"When God created you, He gave you physical features, He also gives you something inside. We have now created a methodology that is copyrighted to us. That methodology will also be shared on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture. When choosing a specialty, children can determine the specialty they will choose together with their parents using that methodology.

When a woman wears clothes that don't fit her, we laugh at her.

No matter what, that clothing is fashionable.

We see that it does not suit him.

If a person chooses a profession that does not match his inner world, he is guilty.

No one can force him to choose a profession.

It is impossible to make anyone happy with force, but God also gives strength to a person who follows his dream," said the chairman of the Ministry of Education and Culture.