Physicians pointed out that although hot food has the effect of regulating the deficiency and cold of the uterus, it is still not suitable for special groups of people, and it is easy to get angry after eating it.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Many people are afraid of infertility caused by uterine deficiency and cold, so they eat ginger tea, shochu chicken, ginger duck, sesame oil dishes, Siwu soup, Lieutenant General soup and other medicinal diets.

Li Xiangping, a TCM doctor at Yiyun TCM Clinic, pointed out that there are many types of infertility in TCM, and not all infertility is caused by uterine cold.

In addition, although hot food has the effect of regulating the deficiency and cold of the uterus, there are still special groups of people who are not suitable for it and are prone to get angry after eating it. You should consult a professional Chinese medicine doctor to confirm your constitution before taking supplements, so as to prescribe the right medicine.

Li Xiangping pointed out in the Facebook fan page "Chinese Medicine Pregnancy Doctor Li Xiangping Physician" that cold uterus is just a simple term for modern people. There are many types of infertility in Chinese medicine, including kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, weak qi and blood, liver qi stagnation, qi Stagnant blood stasis, cold coagulation blood stasis, stasis-heat, damp-heat, phlegm-dampness, etc., the various syndrome types will also be mixed with each other, so not all infertility is caused by cold uterus.

Please read on...

Cold Uterus Causes and Symptoms

Li Xiangping explained that the correct name for uterine cold in TCM classics is uterine deficiency cold, which is caused by congenital weakness, advanced age, feeling of cold and damp air in the environment, work fatigue, long-term emotional stress, overeating cold food, excessive dieting to lose weight, gynecology or chronic diseases.

Li Xiangping said that the high-risk group for uterine cold includes those over 35 years old, those with poor eating and living habits, or those suffering from autoimmune diseases, thyroid diseases, and gynecological diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual disorders, and endometriosis positional disease, uterine fibroids, recurrent miscarriage, etc.

Li Xiangping pointed out three common symptoms of uterine cold:

●Gynecological manifestations:

Dysmenorrhea (hot compresses can relieve discomfort), obvious blood clots, less menstrual flow, delayed menstruation, low libido, and vaginal dryness.

●Tongue and pulse manifestations:

Pale tongue with thin white coating, with fluid or excess fluid, deep and soft pulse.

●Systemic symptoms:

fear of cold, cold lower abdomen, cold hands and feet, backache, diarrhea after eating cold food, headache when blowing cold wind, obvious bags under the eyes, bruising around the mouth, edema of lower extremities, puffiness, and easy fatigue.

Uterine cold daily maintenance

Li Xiangping shared, 5 steps for daily maintenance of patients with cold uterus:

●Strengthen key parts to keep warm and avoid blowing cold wind.

●Soak your feet for 15-30 minutes before going to bed.

●Massage the uterine points every day.

●Press the abdomen with heat to promote circulation during menstruation.

●Cultivate the habit of brisk walking and exercise.

Li Xiangping reminded that although hot food has the effect of regulating the deficiency and cold of the uterus, it can improve dysmenorrhea and cold hands and feet, but it may not be suitable for some special ethnic groups, and it is easy to get angry after eating, and do not take prescriptions or supplements from unknown sources by yourself, you should consult a professional Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, after confirming the constitution, tonic can prescribe the right medicine.

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  • Infertility

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Pregnancy

  • cold uterus

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