A business owner in Taichung suffered from advanced liver cancer. The doctor arranged "photon knife radiation therapy", "targeted drug", "immunotherapy" and other three-in-one therapy, successfully fighting the cancer.

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(Photo by reporter Chen Jianzhi)

[Reporter Chen Jianzhi/Taichung Report] A business owner in Taichung went to the doctor for an examination 4 years ago due to sudden weight loss, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and easy fatigue. He suddenly found a 15 cm large tumor in his liver. He went to many hospitals for evaluation and thought it was "life There are 2 months left", but he was unwilling to give up. After discussing with the medical team, he agreed to adopt the three-in-one therapy of "targeted drug", "photon knife radiotherapy" and "immunotherapy", which successfully made the tumor disappear and restore health , the cancer index dropped below 10, let him bid farewell to black and white life.

Wang Bomin, Director of the Radiation Oncology Department of Yada Hospital, pointed out that the patient had a history of liver C disease, but did not continue to follow up, and developed into a giant liver tumor. When he arrived at the hospital, he weighed only 40 kg, and the "jaundice index" in the blood was as high as 5, far from It was several times higher than the normal value, and the "cancer index" (fetal protein) soared to 599, especially the left and right hepatic portal veins were blocked by tumors, and embolization therapy could not be performed. The symptoms were so severe that many hospitals evaluated that "probably less than It’s been 2 months.” The patient was also preparing to explain his funeral and bid farewell to his family.

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However, the patient had a strong will to survive. After discussing with the medical team, he decided to adopt the three-in-one therapy of "targeted drug", "photon knife radiotherapy" and "immunotherapy". After 3 months, his condition improved significantly. He became smaller and only scars remained. The jaundice index and cancer index also returned to normal.

A business owner in Taichung suffered from liver cancer. The liver tumor was 15 cm in size when he was discovered (left). After the three-in-one therapy, the tumor disappeared and only the scar remained (right).

(Photographed by reporter Chen Jianzhi)

Wang Bomin pointed out that for patients with advanced liver cancer or tumors that are too large, in addition to being unsuitable for surgery, they often suffer from liver damage due to tumor invasion into the hepatic portal vein, which makes embolization of the liver impossible, and may aggravate the risk of liver failure.

Therefore, in general, if targeted drugs are used to kill tumors and new blood vessels, and avoid tumor expansion, immunotherapy is to activate the immune system, combined with photon knife local radiation therapy, resulting in the death of cancer cells, combined to produce a "distance effect", The human body releases more antigens, allowing the autoimmune system to recognize and cultivate more lymphocytes that can kill cancer cells, strengthening the body's immune system's ability to fight cancer cells, not only has low side effects, but also shrinks tumors and facilitates surgical resection , greatly prolonging the survival rate.

Wang Bomin reminded that if people have a history of hepatitis B or C, and have symptoms such as sudden weight loss, abdominal distension, and easy to feel tired, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

With the rapid development of medical technology and more and more treatment methods, as long as patients with advanced liver cancer maintain their confidence and strength and cooperate with doctors' advice, they will have a chance to regain their health.

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  • liver cancer

  • target drug

  • Liver B

  • Liver C

  • liver tumor

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