The doctor explained that sprains are the ligaments around the joints, which are injured and broken due to strong twisting; strains are muscles and tendons that are torn due to pulling and external force; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Whether it is exercising, doing housework, or even stretching, sprains and strains may occur; in this regard, doctors remind you not to massage after sprains and strains. There are 5 key points in the correct treatment method. These include pausing exercise, applying ice, applying compression with an elastic bandage, and elevating the injured area above the heart.

Chen Yuhong, an orthopedic physician at Banqiao Yadong Hospital, and Fu Yuxiang, an internal medicine physician at New Taipei Chengtai Hospital, posted on their Facebook fan page "Dr. Stiffer, less extensible muscles and ligaments, so there will be more sprains and strains than in summer.

Sprains are ligaments around the joints that are injured and broken due to strong twisting; strains are muscles and tendons that are torn due to pulling or external force.

Please read on...

5 ways to correct sprains and strains

1. Suspend all exercise: the moment you feel the pain of injury, please stop what you are doing immediately, let the injured part rest, and do not exercise again until recovery.

2. Ice compress: Ice compress can be used within 24 hours after the injury to relieve the symptoms of acute inflammation. It is advisable to apply ice for about 10-20 minutes each time.

3. Use elastic bandages to pressurize: Wrap and pressurize the injured area with elastic bandages, which can help blood return and reduce swelling.

4. Do not massage and massage: stop all massage and massage, so that the injured part can rest.

5. Elevate the injured area above the heart: Elevating the injured area above the height of the heart can reduce blood circulation to the injured area and reduce swelling.

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  • muscle

  • sprain

  • ligament

  • tendon

  • strain

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