Moderna's bivalent BA.5 next-generation vaccine booster vaccination will be extended to children aged 6 to 11 from the 2nd.

Zhuang Renxiang, spokesman of the command center, said that in 21 of the 22 counties and cities across the country, education bureaus and health bureaus arrange vaccinations in schools.

(Provided by Command Center)

[Reporter Qiu Zhirou/Taipei Report] Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) Modena bivalent BA.5 next-generation vaccine booster vaccination will be extended to children aged 6 to 11 from the 2nd.

Zhuang Renxiang, spokesperson of the Central Epidemic Command Center, said that 21 of the 22 counties and cities in the country have been vaccinated by the Education Bureau and the Health Bureau. .

Zhuang Renxiang said that the moderna bivalent BA.5 next-generation vaccine booster vaccination, in terms of elementary schools, 21 counties and cities have arranged for campus vaccinations, and for elementary and high schools, 12 counties and cities have provided school vaccinations.

In counties and cities that have not implemented school-based vaccinations, parents can take their children to medical institutions to receive additional doses; people of other age groups can follow the vaccination information of each county and city and make an appointment for vaccination when the current epidemic situation is low.

Please read on...

Zhuang Renxiang also announced the latest domestic population coverage of COVID-19 vaccination. The first dose is 94%, the second dose is 88.7%, the supplementary dose is 74.7%, and the second supplementary dose is 18.6%. agent is 43.5%.

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  • Vaccination

  • Campus Vaccination

  • Wuhan Pneumonia (Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19)

  • next generation vaccine

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