The nutritionist said that the initial fat loss can be lost only by diet, but if you want to have a better body shape or muscle line, you must join in the exercise to achieve it; the picture is a situational photo, and the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] It is everyone's dream to have a perfect body, but how to implement it during fat loss to achieve results?

In this regard, nutritionist Huang Junsheng published an article on the Facebook fan page "Huang Junsheng Sunny Nutritionist" to sort out the 5 principles of fat loss, and emphasized that if you want to effectively achieve the effect of fat loss, it is recommended to add moderate exercise after diet, you can Possess good posture or muscular lines.

avoid refined sugar

Refined sugar is one of the ingredients that are most likely to cause weight gain, such as biscuits, snacks, desserts, drinks, etc., which can easily cause blood sugar fluctuations to increase. After being satisfied for a short time, hunger will appear immediately after too much, and Refined sugar foods are also easy to make people addicted to sugar. It is recommended to provide a good environment for the body and reduce the intake of refined sugars.

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Sanbai (white toast, white rice, and white noodles) are refined starches, and it is not recommended to consume them when controlling weight. Try to use coarse starch as the main ingredient, such as brown rice, sweet potato, pumpkin, corn, etc.

Reduce eating processed products

There are a lot of invisible oil, salt and sugar in processed products, which will make it more difficult to lose weight. Try to focus on original foods. Choose original foods, which have high nutritional density and large volume, and are easier to feel full.

Unlike refined processed products, which have low nutrient density and high calories, this difference will hinder weight control, so choosing original foods is a better way.

Prototype food is food that retains the original appearance of the food, has a low degree of processing, and has few chemical additives. For example, if you eat pork, you should not choose pork floss, and you should not choose potato fries. These are low-process foods.

Eat more high-quality protein

Protein ingredients have less impact on blood sugar fluctuations and can provide people with a sense of satiety, so choosing low-fat and high-protein ingredients is quite helpful when losing weight, such as various soy products, eggs, fish, meat, etc. But pay attention to the parts you choose. For example, although pig's feet can also provide a lot of protein, they will accidentally eat too much fat while supplementing protein. Therefore, you can choose shrimps, squid, fish and other low-fat foods. A good source of protein.

Sometimes when you are very hungry, you can also give priority to protein foods, such as eating an egg or raw meat are good choices.

Carbon Diet

It’s not that you can’t eat carbohydrates, but they generally eat too much. The lifestyle of modern people is not like the previous agricultural society with a lot of labor and needs a lot of carbohydrates. They are sedentary and rarely move, so naturally they don’t need so much. Too much starch, because the inexhaustible carbohydrates will be stored as fat, making weight control more and more difficult.

You can start to adjust in a step-by-step manner, such as hand-cranked drinks. If you drink full sugar, you can change it to half sugar. If you drink half sugar, you can change it to 1 cent of sugar. 1, or do not eat starch for one meal a day, you can easily achieve a carbon-reducing diet.

In addition, there are many options for eating out. Huang Junsheng used his own experience as an example. He used to choose hot pot, lo-mei and Japanese cuisine most often during the fat loss period, because hot pot can make you feel full and the calories are not easy to exceed the standard , can also absorb rich nutrients, such as a lot of vegetables, and replace the hot pot ingredients, mainly based on prototype ingredients, choose low-fat meat, such as seafood, shrimp or tendon meat are good choices, in addition, do not eat Save the amount of starch for dessert. Instead of using sand tea sauce, you can use onion, ginger garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, radish puree, etc. to dip the sauce.

Braised meat is also a food he often eats during the fat loss period, because there are a lot of protein ingredients to choose from, such as bean skin, egg whites, chicken gizzards, pork tendons, etc., and a lot of vegetables to choose from.

However, it is recommended to choose a small portion of starch, such as pork blood cake or taro sticks, and do not order noodles such as prince noodles, otherwise the calories will easily exceed the standard.

Japanese cuisine also has more low-fat and high-protein ingredients, such as various seafood, steamed eggs, sashimi, etc., are also good choices.

increase exercise

In the initial stage of fat loss, you can lose weight only by diet, but if you want to have a better body shape or muscle lines, you must join in the exercise to achieve it. However, the initial exercise does not need to be too intense. Go to the gym 1 to 2 times a week. Just once, 10 to 20 minutes each time, you don’t have to worry too much about what kind of exercise you do, because the most important thing at the beginning is to develop the habit of exercising. After you have the habit of exercising, you can adjust the content of what to do It is more efficient. After all, seeking first and then seeking better is the key point.

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  • sports

  • lose weight

  • body fat

  • carbon reduction

  • protein

  • Fat loss

  • diet control

  • refined sugar

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