A cold snap is coming for the weekend.

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[Reporter Lin Huiqin/Taipei Report] The first wave of cold air in winter hits on the weekend. Sudden changes in temperature can easily cause cardiovascular disease or physical problems for the elderly. Zhang Ziqiang, director of the Occupational Therapy Department of the Bali Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, offered 4 suggestions for seniors, including waking up Warm up before getting out of bed, wear onion-picking outdoors and prepare accessories, use electric heaters moderately and avoid sharing them with other electrical appliances, get vaccinated and wear masks to survive the cold winter.

Zhang Ziqiang pointed out that after waking up in cold weather, you can move your body joints first in the bed, from the distal feet, knees, thighs, hands, elbows, shoulders to abdomen, neck, head, etc., and move at every joint 10 times, wait for the body to warm up before getting out of bed to avoid lesions caused by large temperature differences.

Usually, you can also use elastic bands or therapeutic balls to do some stretching exercises to train the balance of your limbs, which will help prevent sudden changes in posture and body instability that may cause you to fall when getting out of bed.

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When going outdoors, Zhang Ziqiang mentioned that hats, scarves, masks, waterproof gloves, non-slip shoes, etc. are indispensable, which can increase outdoor cold resistance.

When going out, it is recommended to wear an onion style, first wear warm sanitary clothes, and then add a vest or sweater. The coat can be selected to have a weatherproof function, so as not to affect the heat preservation function due to cold and humid weather.

In addition, keep your hands and feet warm. Wear socks and gloves indoors or outdoors. When your hands and feet are warm enough, your body will be less likely to feel cold.

The safety of electrical appliances is also very important. Zhang Ziqiang pointed out that if you use electric heaters and other related equipment indoors, you need to pay attention to ventilation and electricity safety, so as to avoid the use of electric heaters that consume too much oxygen and affect your breathing. Air that is too dry affects comfort.

In addition, electric heaters or dehumidifiers generally consume a lot of electricity, so avoid using them together with other electrical appliances. When you are done using them or when you go out, be sure to unplug the socket to maintain electricity safety and avoid accidents.

Zhang Ziqiang also emphasized that in addition to keeping warm, you should also wear a mask when you go out, avoid crowded places, maintain social distance and wash your hands frequently.

Those who have completed the COVID-19 vaccination can consider getting the flu vaccine and cooperate with the relevant epidemic prevention regulations of the command center to increase self-preservation and protection and survive the cold winter during the epidemic in a healthy manner.

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  • Silver-haired

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • temperature change

  • Electrical Safety

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